Chapter 37

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Chats pov:
As I stand up, the world slows around me and I watch around 30 members of the other gang run away, they deserve it, to be scared.
if anything's happened to marinette i don't know what I'll do, I'll never forgive myself.
I click back to reality as carapace puts his hand on my shoulder, "we need to go to marinette," he starts jogging away, "NOW!" He says loudly and I snap into action as he runs off and I use my baton to leave.
As I'm jumping through the woods close to my house, I see nino under the tree line running at the same speed as me, "the lights aren't on!" I yell down to him and we both speed up.
As we reach the door I barge in,the door unlocked.
the tv is turned on of the end screen for a movie, but marinette isn't in the lounge room. "Marinette!" I call out running upstairs, and race into my room, my heart starts constricting as carapace comes out of Kim's, "she's not upstairs." I nod and run back downstairs, stopping to think, "the basement" I whisper, and nino nods to look in the kitchen and downstairs spare room.
As I'm walking down the stairs, I notice the lights are on. Is she dead down here? did they leave her for me to find? I'm panicking as I turn the corner and see marinette.
She's standing there looking around and I just fall to the ground. "Chat?" Marinette says worriedly, she runs to me, on my knees, and sits down in front of me.
She's safe, is all I can think and it's repeating in my head.
I pull her into my arms and break down. "I thought something bad happened to you." I cry into her shoulder.

Marinettes pov:
I'm peeking through a cupboard when I get a scare as chats bursts in the basement behind me, he's shaking and falls to the floor. What the fuck happened? "Chat?" I call out scared, is he okay? Is all I'm thinking as I run over to the fallen chat kneeling on the hard floor. I kneel in front of him, my hands on his shoulder, he looks torn and deep in thoughts as he pulls me into his arms, he's completely shaking  as he whispers "i thought something bad happened to you," I can barely hear him as he cry's violently into my shoulder.
"Kitten..." I whisper into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. "Why would something bad have happened to me?" I ask him confused. He just continues to cry and hold me tighter. "It's okay chat. I've got you." I whisper and kiss his neck gently.
"Chat? Are you down here?" I hear nino call out. "Yes..." I call out, and nino as carapace comes down the stairs. "Your safe," he sighs, "can you tell me what happened?" I ask him over chats shoulder. He looks at chat and I look back at him pleading, he doesn't mention the upset man I'm embraced in. He nods knowing, "I'll explain later, but I think it's best if you and chat talk first." He walks away up the stairs, and I can hear the front door shut.
"Beep. Beep. Beep." I hear chats ring beeping, showing he's going to transform back. "I should have never brought you into this." Chat says to me calming down a little. "Although it wasn't ideal chat, I'm just happy I've met you." I smile pulling out of his hug, and he lets me. I place my hand to his face and he leans into it, "I'll never put you in this position again princess. I promise." He kisses me and I kiss him back. "As long as I'm with you nothing bad can happen to me chat." I say softly, he smiles a sad smile. "Come on, it's late." He says standing up, with my hand in his he leads me to the lounge and pulls me down with him. "I thought you were coming back tomorrow?" I say sitting next to him, he lays his head on my lap. "I'm staying with you. The others can take care of everything." He reaches up and strokes my hair, "I was so worried mari, I thought I was too late." He tears up again but doesn't cry, he sees my obvious confusion and finally explains. "Before I killed him, he told me some people were hunting you down and we're coming to hurt, most likely kill you." It feels like my heart stops and the blood drains from my face. "I'll never give them the chance again." They want to kill me. I feel the familiar feeling of when chat first kidnapped me.
I look out the windows, which are no longer covered, automatically and chat sees my action. "I'm so sorry marinette." He sits up and faces away from me, ashamed. I go over to him and wrap my arms around his back, "I know you won't let them hurt me chaton. I trust you." I feel so scared, but I feel safer with chat. He gives me strength. "Won't you?" I ask, trying to get his reassurance, and he faces me immediately. "Of course, I will put your life above my own princess." He presses his forehead against mine. "Chat, kitty. You won't put my life above your own. That's just stupid, I love you. I really really love you. And I don't know what I'd do if you died," I whisper the last part. He picks me up and starts walking towards the stairs for his bedroom. "Chaaaat," I giggle, "I can walk by myself." I lighten up the mood, he smirks in reply and starts kissing from my jawline down to my neck. "Oh but mari, I want to give you the world. And that means that I'll carry you if I want to." He gives a small spin. And I start to laugh. Leaning into his chest, I sigh, "I love you mon chaton." I close my eyes as he opens the bedroom door.
"I love you too my purrincess." He kisses me. Placing me on the bed,

Chats pov:
As I place marinette on the bad she sits up, and I just stand there. Looking into her beautiful eyes. "I'll never let anything happen to you." I say in my head, and I know what to do to make sure it's true. I hear the last "beep. Beep. Beep." And a green light flashes through the room, "shit." I say covering marinettes eyes with my now bare hands, and she just accepts it.
"Sit down with me chat." She says opening her arms, and I finally feel calm enough to let my guard down for a few minutes to show my love for her.
"Give me a second, please don't open your eyes." I see her nod, slowly removing my hand, I walk around the other side of the bed and grab a black mask.
Placing It on I slowly crawl over to her, cat like, and pin her down onto the bed, "can I open my eyes?" She asks me, "yes" I whisper and she opens her eyes, he mouth slightly parted, I crawl over her and am pinning her down with my body now, "may I?" I ask her, I NEED her now. And she nods, with that as my answer I kiss her, deeply. Quickly becoming a make out session, "your not gonna leave me are you?" She pulls back for breath. I feel my heart tear as I answer, "no mari. I won't leave you alone again." She kisses me once and then tries to push me off her. "Everything alright?" I ask as I let her go, "I just gotta go to the toilet." She says getting up. Leaving me to my thoughts as I lay on the bed.
I have to take her back home, for her own safety. Alone.

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