Chapter 1

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Before you start reading, please know that this is my first book, so there are definitely some plot holes and points where the stories just don't match up. Please don't overly point these out, I know that they exist already, so I would really appreciate it. Comments overly pointing out these issues will be deleted, so please refrain from doing so.Anyways, that being said, enjoy the book! :p

Wind whipped Sophie's hair as she struggled to lurch across the cliff side towards the cocoon of shadows that were slowly wrapping themselves around Keefe. "KEEFE" She screamed, her throat burning . Tears leaked down her face as she reached out with her mind and found only shadows and blackness. Sobbing, she let herself be blown over the edge, falling over the cliff side. The blackness swallowed her, consumed her and yet she could only think about what, who she'd lost-

"SOPHIE!" A voice called to her, violently jolting her out of her dream.Safe. She repeated to herself. Keefe was safe. Not awake, but safe.Safesafesafesafe. Everything would be ok, he would be ok.

"Yes?"Sophie muttered blearily, still shaking off the dream's hold on her, and looking up into the concerned face of Elwin, Foxfire's physician.
"Sophie, you've been here for 48 hours, Keefe won't wake up if you exhaust yourself,you need to take a break." Elwin said, whilst flashing various colored orbs around Keefe's unconscious body.

"No." Sophie stated, tucking her chin into the folds of her shirt"I'm not leaving"

"Sophie please, if you want me to be honest, right now you're doing more harm than good. Rest, sleep, then come back and see if you can do something about his...situation"He paused"Besides, if you don't shower soon, you'll stink up the whole healing center"

She had to admit he had a point, but..."Fine. But I'll be back by tomorrow" Sophie begrudgingly conceded as she gingerly got up from the less than comfortable chair she'd been spending the majority of the past month in,and stumbled out if the healing center.

The light stung her eyes even though it was only mid afternoon,but she didn't really mind. Even though she didn't want to admit it she had been getting pretty tired of sitting in that one chair for so long. Her stomach rumbled. How long had it been since she had last eaten? Sighing, she pulled out her home crystal and leaped to Havenfield's pastures.

The instant she reached Havenfield, her mind was flooded with hundreds of blearing transmissions.

FRIEND FRIEND FRIEND Silveny chanted, filling her mid with images of then flying together through the skies VISIT!

I'm sorry girl,i know Sophie apologized I've been a bit busy with Keefe


Sophie's heart broke.Keefe isn't here, the neverseen hurt him,She explained

HATE BAD PEOPLE! The mama allicorn screeched,KEEFE BETTER SOON!

Soon, Sophie promised, as much for the allicorn's benefit as hers, and stepped into the manor.

She shuffled wearily through the halls, Sandor in tow, until she reached her room, where she peeled off her clothes and soaked in the bathtub for a good,long while before getting out, but just as she was about to climb into bed, a familiar accented voice sounded cautiously from the doorway.

"Hey...Um... Sophie?"

"What is it Fitz?" She responded,opening the door and letting him sit down on her bed.

"So...Ummm... I know we haven't talked much since the day Keefe got hurt you want to give us another try?" Fitz murmured

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