Chapter 2

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At first Sophie was so shocked that she was sure she looked like a gaping fish, mouth opening and closing. Answers milled around in her head.

"Fitz...I...Of course"

He stared"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Sophie confirmed, letting the word hang between them before she gently pressed her lips against his and pinned him down against the bed."Yes" she said once again before sliding her hands into Fitz's  hair. Sophie shivered as his hands caressed her back and his fingers tangled into her mane of blond hair.

"I will never stop being grateful" He whispered onto her lips"That you gave me this second chance"

"Neither will I" She mumbled "Neither will I"

An hour later Sophie sat with Fitz on the bed, holding hands.He gave her a crooked grin. She smiled and brushed her lips agains his.

"Wanna go get some Mallowmelt?" She asked softly "I heard Edaline was making another batch"

"As much as I like the taste of Mallowmelt, I think I would much rather continue savoring the taste of you"Fitz responded with a smile.

"I guess I'd better oblige you then"

But just as Sophie was about to lower her lips onto his, her imparter flashed with a message from Elwin:We need you at the healing center,come quickly and come alone

She paled as she read the message, and not bothering to say goodbye to Fitz, sprinted out of the door, his angry yells following her. She should have felt happy that she was back together with Fitz, so as she ran to the leap master she wondered why she had just felt a huge weight land on her shoulders.

Hi!Sorry that this chapter was so short! I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger and this felt like an appropriate place to do it.

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