Chapter 7

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It had only been 2 days since Sophie had left the healing centre, and Keefe was getting increasingly tired of seeing the same 4 walls. He had resorted to counting the elixirs on the shelves for entertainment, but that soon got boring too. Maybe Elwin won't notice if I leave for ten minutes, He thought, but that idea was quickly ruled out.He doubted he could even stand, much less walk. He was just beginning to ponder ideas that were sure to cause a truckload of chaos when the door creaked. The sound had him bolting upright, hoping it was Sophie. Thankfully, his prayers were answered.

Her deep brown eyes were the first thing about her that snagged his attention. Such beautiful, unique eyes, in which flecks of gold glinted like molten sunlight. They seemed to somehow radiate warmth, in those eyes was the home he never had, the-
Keefe stopped himself before he could finish. Sophie would never be interested in a mess like him.

"Umm...Hi?" Sophie said, just as Keefe realized he had been staring.

"Sorry!Hi!"He blurted, embarrassed.

She laughed, and of all of his worries melted away.

"Sorry I haven't been around more, Fitz was a little... Worried."She apologized, sitting down on the cot adjacent to his.

"Fitz?" Keefe questioned. What was his friend fretting over this time? He wondered.

"Well..."Sophie bit down on her bottom lip in that adorably cute way of her's."We recently got back together..."

No. That was the only thought going through Keefe's mind. Nononononono.

It took him a second to realize he had said the words out loud. Oh, he was in trouble now.

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