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Disclaimer: In this chapter, Sophie and Keefe are a few years older, Maybe 20?

Sophie was jolted awake by a chipper " Happy birthday, Foster!" Coming from the other side of the bed.

" It's my birthday?" She asked-or at least tried to- the phrase was smothered by such a huge yawn that it sounded more like, Is Mah Burdy?.

Keefe just laughed." Come on, I got you presents!"

Indeed, there were 3 presents strewn across the bed. One was flat, decorated with plain white-and glittery-wrapping paper, and by the looks of it, seemed to be a canvas. The second was ice blue, with a gold ribbon tied on top. Finally, the last was a tiny box, adorned with silver streaks. Sitting up, Sophie reached for the small one first, only to be stopped by Keefe's hand.

" Open that one last," He said, mischief dancing across his face.

Sophie rolled her eyes, and instead reached for the Ice blue parcel, gently unwrapping the paper. She frowned in confusion at what she found inside. She recognized the sketchbook as one of the 4 he had been working on a few years ago to stop the Neverseen. Except this was the gold one. The personal one.

" What's this?" Sophie asked, curious

" It's a sketchbook" He replied practically

She levelled a flat stare at him, and he finally gave in.

" I wanted to show you what was inside..." He paused for a moment as she gaped at him" I know it probably doesn't mean much to you but-"

He was cut off by her lips brushing gently against his. Damn, Sophie thought, Even after all of this time it still doesn't get old.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sophie consulted.

" Yes" He answered, bobbing his head.

But just as Sophie was about to open the sketchbook he stopped her, gently taking her hand in his.

" Before you open it," Keefe said" I want you to know why my favourite colour is gold"

The crease of confusion between Sophie's brows returned, but she let him continue.

" It's because of you"

" Me?"

" Your eyes" Keefe clarified, smirking at her.

"My-Oh" A thought clicked in Sophie's mind " Uh... Is that why the sketchbook for the happy memories was brown?"

Keefe nodded again, smiling." Maybe you're getting a bit less oblivious, Foster"

She grinned in return " Me? Never."

He rumbled a laugh" You're right. As always" Keefe paused " Are you going to open the book or should I?"

Rolling her eyes, Sophie opened the book, wrapping an arm around his waist in the process.

There were a lot of pictures. So many different memories, both happy and sad and heartbreaking and exhilarating that Sophie couldn't help but marvel at the sheer emotion portrayed on the paper.

" Keefe..." Sophie breathed " These are amazing..."

Keefe actually blushed at her compliment, ducking his head. " You think so?"

" I know so"

He smiled and brushed his thumb against the back of her palm, before handing her the glittery white present.

Once again, she tugged away the wrapping paper, only to find her suspicions confirmed. It was the-

" It's the day where it all started" Keefe explained.

Sophie continued to stare at the canvas, speechless. It depicted the long flight across the ocean on Silveny, the sunset twinkling across the sea in waves of colour.

She had no words, so she leaned in and used her mouth in other ways.

After an eternity of bliss, Keefe finally pulled back, holding up the small silver-streaked box in his hands.

" This one comes with a speech," He said, oddly nervous.

" Let's hear it" Commented Sophie with a smirk

Keefe cleared his throat, clutching the box gently, but tightly " Sophie. You are the greatest, most beautiful elf I have ever met. I just can't imagine my life without you anymore. I know this isn't some great big speech like in those human movies you show me but..." He seemed to gather his courage " Will you marry me, Foster?"

Sophie's jaw decided to unhinge from the rest of her skull. Keefe was asking to marry her? Kind, loving, way too good for her Keefe was asking to marry her? A freak experiment of an elf? She wasn't even dressed,and her hair was a mess, and she had morning breath, and-

" Yes" It took Sophie a second to realize the word had come from her lips.

And at that moment, when their lips crashed together like waves on the seashore, and their souls fused, Sophie thought that maybe eternity would be worth it after all.

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