Chapter 11

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As Sophie stepped through the gates of the Shores of Solace, Lord Cassius immediately confronted her.

"And what are you doing here today, Miss Foster?" Lord Cassius inquired, voice dripping with venom.

Sophie was too nervous to come up with a good response. "I came to see Keefe," She said, trying to keep the nerves out of her voice.

"Well, I'd wager he'd his room, not studying, of course, but i do believe that's the only reason he gets such low grades" Lord Cassius sniffed

Rage bubbled within Sophie" Uh, wasn't his lowest score last year a 98?"

"Indeed it was" He purred "I don't see how an elf as powerful as yourself would ever wish to spend time with my disappointment of a son, and i must say: I am honoured"

Sophie frowned so hard her eyebrows almost touched" Funny, i think that you're more of a disappointment of a father than Keefe ever was of a son" And without a single other word, she stormed down the corridor towards where she assumed was Keefe's room.

The mansion was huge, and by now Sophie could tell that she was definitely in the wrong place. She was just about to turn back when she glimpsed something behind a slightly ajar door. Pushing in it open, she walked into the room, and what she saw took her breath away.

Hundreds of paintings lined the walls, each one more beautiful than the last, and as Sophie turned to inspect them more closely, she noticed a small signature at the bottom of each one: K.S

Keefe had made these? She knew he was good, but this what a whole other level of talent. With a start, she recognized her own face in the midst of the paintings, and what it depicted made Sophie's heart break and soar at the same time. She stood in that little meadow in the nook of Keefe's mind, a small crease between her brows, and holding on to what most have been Keefe's hand. She must have stood there, gaping, for a few minutes, before a quiet voice sounded behind her."Admiring my spectacular talent, I see"

She wheeled her head around, her neck aching from the sudden movement to the point where she had to double over. A fizzing sound escaped from Keefe's lips "Eager to see me, Foster?" He asked, his eyes sparkling with barely contained mirth.

"Hey! It not funny!" She said, trying to keep a straight face

"Why would i ever think that?"Keefe asked, the corners of his mouth twitching upward as he crossed his arms.

Sophie tried to keep up the charade, but unfortunately, she was a bit behind on her acting skills, so she ended up dissolving in laughter instead, Keefe joining her.

And when they finally stopped, wiping tears of glee from their eyes, Sophie threw her arms around his neck and hugged him so tightly she was sure she crushed half of his ribcage.

"Easy there Foster" He choked out, a smile tugging at his lips.

When Sophie finally pulled back, she saw something in his eyes that she couldn't quite pinpoint. They slowly got closer together, until their breaths mingled, anticipation filled Sophie, but an idea came to her. Just as his lips were a hairsbreadth away from hers, she dipped her finger into the closest glob of paint: Bright pink, much to her delight, and smeared it across his nose.

He stood, dumbstruck, for a second, before grabbing a whole tube of neon green color and squirting it at her forehead" Foster, it is so on!" He yelled as she raced out of the door, swiping at her forehead and squealing like a little girl.

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