Chapter 14

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Ok first of all, I am so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't posted in such a long time, especially at a cliffhanger. But I'm back now!


I'm kissing Keefe Sensen, That was the only thought running through Sophie's stunned mind. That, and how the burst of fireworks that erupted anywhere that their skin touched made her feel so complete, so right, that she knew that every inch of her soul belonged to him.

Her hands tore through his hair and roved across his chest, wanting to know every single centimetre of his beautiful body. Keefe responded to her shameless exploration with his own, his fingers tracing her face and back with feather-light touches. The gentleness of that touch, even as his lips moved insistently on hers, was what dragged a low groan of pleasure from her throat, the sound so primal and full of need that even Sophie was surprised by the intensity of it.

Keefe was the first to pull away, chest heaving, eyes wide and hair ruffled "Geez, Foster, I must say, you are an amazing kisser"

"Oh, stop it, you, " Sophie said, pink blossoming across her cheeks as she gently swatted at his hand." And for the record, so are you"

Keefe placed a hand across his muscled chest in mock surprise"Did the great Sophie Foster just compliment my kissing skills?"He teased

" Yes she did" Sophie responded "And that is precisely why she wants to kiss you more" And with that, their lips once again came together, but this time the kiss was soft, searching, testing each other's boundaries. When they finally pulled apart and Sophie made to pull back, Keefe stopped her, resting his forehead against her's.

For a while, they simply stood there, relishing each other's presence, breathing each other's air. Until -

"So... This isn't like what happened with Dex right?" Keefe asked, softly" Is that what you meant?"

"Of course not, Keefe"Sophie answered, just as quietly " What I meant is that I love you. I always have and I always will. I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner, but it's always been you, it was always meant to be you. Not Fitz, not Dex, you. This is all I need, " She placed the palm of her hand gently on his chest, right over his heart" You are all I need. What do I need to do to prove that to you?"

Keefe just stared at her, too dumbfounded to find words.

"Keefe?" Sophie asked, voice breaking. Maybe he didn't feel the same after the way she had rejected him at the healing centre.

She dragged her deep brown eyes to his, and found him gazing at her with such tenderness that it broke her heart. So when Keefe put his arms around her, and she let his tears soak her shirt, Sophie finally knew she was truly home.

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