Chapter 6

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Sophie was released from the healing centre the next day, but Elwin proscribed Keefe two weeks of bed rest, much to his dissatisfaction.

"I've been sleeping for over a month!" Keefe argued

"That's not how sleep works!" He would insist" You can't store up on it"

Finally, after plenty of complaining and arm-flailing, Keefe gave in, but not before turning to Sophie and declaring that he expected plenty of presents.

She only laughed and declared that she would visit as many times as possible before walking out of the door with a friendly wave.

But as Sophie left Foxfire, she realized that, despite the fact that both of them had spent the day at the healing centre, drinking countless vials of less-than-appetizing fluid, she had enjoyed the time spent with Keefe. Even when silence settled between them, it was companionable, and never awkward.

Lost in her thoughts, Sophie didn't realize she was near the alicorn's usual paddock until it was too late, and her right foot was swallowed up to the heel in sparkly poop.

SILVENY, she screeched, fuming

She could have sworn she heard a huff of laughter from the other side of their mental bridge before Silveny shut it down.

Still aggravated, Sophie gingerly plodded towards the main house, Sandor snickering behind her. Unfortunately, that's when Fitz decided to show up.

He was dressed as immaculately as always, hair flawlessly styled and his cape pinned perfectly in the centre. Her heart fluttered when her brown eyes locked with his,  and yet he continued approaching her. Oh, Fitz knew just what he was doing. He stalked forward, taking her in and-

A squealing sound burst from his lips as he doubled over, trying and failing to hold in his laugh. Sophie's eyes narrowed, even as pink bloomed across her cheeks."Gee, thanks" She commented, as he continued chortling at her situation.

He swiped at his eyes, dislodging tears of laughter" Sorry-its just" A bubbling giggle burst from his lips "How did that even happen?"

"I was just- you know what,even I don't know. Let's just go inside and get this sorted out" And began storming her way up the path towards the house, Fitz and Sandor following suit behind her.

Sorry if this chapter was a little short, I had a writer's block and couldn't think it anything to write for the life of me. Not really proud of this chapter but it's fine.

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