Chapter 13

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"Fosterrrrrr!"Keefe complained," Do you have any idea how long this is going to take to get out of my hair?" He gestured wildly to the paint streaks among his molten gold waves.

Of course, if Sophie was being honest, she would have told him that the threads of colour only made him look more gorgeous than he already was. But obviously, she wouldn't tell him that. He already had a large enough ego without her adding to it.

" You'll get over it" She giggled "Plus, I have some in mine too! And it's probably going to be harder to wash out since it's so much longer"


Sophie cut him off." Look, if it's really that important, go take a shower, I'll wait for you." She ordered, crossing her arms.

"Fine. My hair is important, but not as much as you!" He added with a wink.

Sophie knew it was just a flirt, perfectly normal for Keefe... But...

Keefe's face turned ashen as he no doubt felt her emotions change."So... I guess we'd better talk about that..."

Sophie cleared her throat" Look, Keefe, I'm-"

She was cut off by Keefe beginning to rant" Sophie, don't give me the whole 'I'm-Sorry-I-Don't-Like-You-Like-That' talk. Ok? Fitz if Fitz. You guys were made for each other, and I'm just some idiot who can't handle my feelings. You don't have to apologise for not being attracted to me. I get it. I do."

Sophie stared at him, at the selfless boy who hid behind smirks and grins but was really just broken inside. How had it taken her so long to realize that what she needed wasn't someone perfect with no problems, but someone who could understand her?

"Keefe, that's not what I meant at all..." Sophie whispered, still admiring his gorgeous blue eyes.

"What did you mean?"Asked Keefe in an equally quiet tone.

"It's easier if I just show you" She murmured, and tentatively slid her hand behind his warm neck, bringing her lips towards her's.

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