Chapter One: Like Ben

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We were created in pairs, that I am sure. I know that somewhere out there is the partner that was created for me. Somebody was made to be with me for the rest of my life.

I am sure that somebody out there is either waiting or looking for me. That he might also be wishing for someone who could be by his side and be there in times of need.

I wanted to dream that the person I am looking at as of the moment would be that person I was looking or probably waiting for. Ben.
        But dreaming about it seems so hard, what more about thinking it would be the reality?

Imagining him and I is just so over the top. He was like a creature of light while I am of the dark.

But somehow, there's a part of me that could not stop thinking about him. Even if I know that there's not a chance for us, a little side of me wishes that he would just notice me; that would be enough.

"Hey what are you staring at?"

My thoughts were drawn back when Aries stood in front of me blocking my view of the man of my dreams.

"Oh my gosh, are you day dreaming again?"

She said then rolled her eyes. I just gave her a guilty look because for the record, she was right.

"Why don't you just tell me who this "lucky guy" is so that I can root for you?"

She leaned in.

Of course I can't just tell her. For all I know, one of our classmates has a crush on Ben too and gossips spread like wildfire around here. I don't want to be involved in such drama.

"You know what Aries? I think I should keep it to myself first. I'll tell you when I think my feelings are concrete."

I replied with a an overly mannered tone earning a scowl from Aries.

"Come one let's get inside the class."

Before Aries pushed me back towards the direction of the class, I looked back to where Ben was and I saw him smiling.

How I wish that smile was for me.

We went in class and soon after Miss Shane came in, our homeroom teacher.

"Good afternoon class, I'm only here to announce that tomorrow will be our preparation for the upcoming event of this month's celebration."

The whole class was overjoyed. Well, that just clearly means that there will be no classes. I was happy myself too.

"But, classes will still be regular and only the participants will be excused."

That was just pretty unfair! Even so, none of us had the guts to complain, so in the end we were left with furrowed eyebrows and deep sighs.

Next day came and I was already feeling drained as I drag myself to school. When I arrived, there were already many students across the quadrangle.

It was sad that I had to sit in class, I wish I could dance or sing or maybe just be as energetic as these creatures of the light.

The class was crowded too, it was odd. Our teacher was supposed to come in any minute now yet everyone still are not in their seats.

"Hey Arie."

I greeted once I sat down to my place, Arie was just two rows away from me. She looked back at me and greeted.

"What's going on? Isn't there supposed to be a class?"

I looked around only to see a group of 8th graders sitting around one of our seemingly popular classmate named Jiana, she's well, pretty.

My heart sank when my eyes settled on the person I did not expect to see.


I whispered.

Why is he here? Why is he beside Jiana? Why are they acting like a couple?

Wait, a couple? Is this for real?

It was not surprising to see some guy all over Jiana but why him?

The thing is, I know that Ben was pretty known at school, and there was never a time when he did not have any relationship with whoever girl there is; in and out of the campus.
       It didn't bother me though, it's not like I want to be in a relationship with him too; or so I thought.

"You know about those two?"

I came back to reality when Aries asked me that question. I realized that I was staring at the two for too long.

"Huh? No. Not until now."

She gave me a meaningful look. I tried to mask the irritation that was slowly building up inside me. The more I look at those two, the more irritated I get.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I snapped at Aries. She then over dramatically gasped.

"OMG, chill girl!"

She laughed and I rolled my eyes. What a great way to start the day.

Well when I think about it I never wanted to be involved in such lousy relationships that are common during high school anyways. You know the typical thing. You like someone and then you confess and then turn out they like you too and then courting and then you flirt as if endless. But then you get tired and easily break up. Because that's all to it, once the enjoyment is gone, you end it.

It seemed childish to me, because I can see that they're doing it just for fun. And I'm not a fan of making relationships for fun. I am a reserved person. I want to wait for the right person and make the decision at the right time.

"Hey Jiana! How are you with that 8th grader cutie, what was his name? Ben?"

I overheard her friend asking one day.

"Um, I don't know. I'm getting bored with him so I'm planning to break up soon."

See? They haven't even lasted for a week or month yet she's already talking about break up. What a waste of energy.

Do kids these days really think this way?
Are relationships only for fun for them? Is it like that for Ben too?

It was not long when I saw him with another girl. And because of this attitude, something inside me felt distant.

I wasn't so sure about him anymore. I don't know if I still do like Ben.

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