Chapter Eleven: Jealous Ben

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Distance they say can affect a relationship with or without us wanting. It could be positive when we are in need of space but mostly it is negative. It's negative in a way that it could cause miscommunication and distrust. A weak connection between two people would suffer when exposed to distance.

Physical touch is one basic need in a relationship. It strengthens the bond and form deeper connection. But even this can be affected by distance.

Communication is as important as giving attention to your partner, but this too can be affected by distance.

At first, you both are maintaining the communication effortlessly but as time passes by, it becomes harder to find time even just to say hi. You see yourself being pulled by the walks of life keeping you from having long chats with the person you always wanted to talk to. You see yourself focused on finishing your homework and projects, forgetting that someone is waiting for your replies. You become occupied with a lot of things and you pay little to no attention to the person whom you said was the center of your attention. Little by little, your communication becomes shorter, creating yet another barrier for the both of you to overcome.

Time had passed and Ben is studying at a different school. As a 10th grader, I have so much school works to do and a lot of activities that tires me out making me pass out in bed the moment I get home. And when I awoke, another homework needed to be done awaits and I see myself slowly drifting away from the thought of texting Ben.

"He must've been worried. I haven't texted him for days." 

I grimaced. Although it was unintentional, I still feel guilty about it. It's not that I wanted to ignore him, I just had so much going on at school.

"Hey there floppy."

I typed but to my demise it could not be sent. I remembered that the signal at home is messing up. I sighed in defeat and just focused on finishing my homework. I'll just text him tomorrow.

The next day was another usual day for me, I got up did my routine and arrived at school on time.

The days had become bland, and cyclic. It keeps on repeating the same scenes and there are no new sights to see. Even break times weren't as exciting anymore.

Well, not until a familiar face peeked at our classroom door.

Everyone was familiar with him and some even went to approach him, but he called out to me.

"Crissa, can you come out for a sec?"

Confused, I walked towards the entryway and went out and to my surprise, Ben was standing on the hallway with a wide smile plastered on his face. I walked towards him with excitement and happiness. I miss seeing him. I missed his face.

"You're here."

I said while I smile and he ushered me to sit beside the flight of stairs.

"I missed you." He said and I felt my heart thump.
"I missed you too." I said with whole honesty. He suddenly looked sad and faced the ground.
"What were you here for?"
I asked wanting to lift his fading mood.

"I uh accompanied Josh to come get some stuff he left here."

"Oh, I see."

"And I also came to see you." He blurted and I felt flushed.

"That's sweet." I smiled but he was still frowning.

"Cris." He called, and from there I knew something was wrong. I abruptly became attentive and faced him.

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