Chapter Nine: Floppy Ben

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     Being in a relationship can take up too much of your energy, and I'm not only narrowing it down to romantic relationships. Even friendships and family can drain you out. But what's so ironic about it is that it refills you too. It becomes one of the sources of your energy, or probably you make it one.

       It kinda likes brings us down then lifts us up but mostly it does the latter.

       A lot of things in this world can drain out your energy, and that is the reason why we keep in touch with special people to help us regain our lost energies. We walk through the pages of our lives meeting different types of people and environment. Which makes us slowly, little by little droop down until we eventually drop dead or just get tired of all of it. But after all those things, when we get home- a certain warmness will cross us once we see our family members or maybe our special someone waiting for us or just sitting there where they should be.

      There's nothing relaxing than getting a hug from a special someone or maybe an "I love you" from your mom and dad after having a bad day. It would fill you up inside, mending the broken pieces you accumulated during a stressful day.

      So to say, Ben had become someone like that. Someone who lifts me up whenever I feel down. Just like now. We were sat in our usual place talking about our finals that had just ended.

"I failed the exam on History."

I said sadly. I was disappointed, not by the result of course but mostly because I gave less effort than usual.

"We all experience that somehow. Don't worry, there's still a chance next time."

He smiled. His words were comforting especially his smiles. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just disappointed with myself. I didn't give much effort about it and that would've made so much of a difference."

     Ben had his brows furrowed while he fiddles with a leaf he had just picked out from a random plant close from us looking at it as if it's something very rare. He had always been like this, little things make him curious and I find it unique.

"I think it didn't matter whether you made effort or not. We fail not only because our efforts weren't enough but somehow it was meant to happen."

      He said as if in a daze.

      There he is again. He always takes me aback with his words. I have never found someone who contradicts my ideas effortlessly.

     I smiled and looked at him admiringly.

"You never fail to surprise me."

I said and we both laughed. I didn't know why we laughed. We just felt like it. Just like how you fall in love with someone. You wouldn't know the reason why, you just feel it.

"Everyone seems busy, aren't you busy yourself?"

I asked.

       A week after the finals, the seniors would be busy running around for requirements and practice, and I know he'd be busy with this and that but here he is talking with me as if there's a lot of time left.

"Ah, I already did some parts. I can manage for now.

He said and held my hand.

"Besides, I want to spend more time with you."

He said and purred like a cat. What an adorable sight.

"That's cute."

I said and Ben clings on to me more. I love this side of him; I love him being clingy and open to me. It makes me feel that he trust me so much and that makes me happy.

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