Chapter Twenty: Love Ben

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Sometimes in life you get to be surprised with something so unexpected. Just like how Ben unexpectedly came in to my life. It happened really fast and the time when I knew it, we were together for a year already. I had actually forgotten to relay what had happened during our first-year anniversary which I will take the opportunity to relay it now.

At that time, unfortunately Ben had chickenpox and we werent able to meet up on the exact date. However, we exchanged long sweet messages and when he actually got better, he went to my school to surprise me!

As far as I could remember, classes were already over and were just chatting around on the pathway while we wait for my other friends fathers or brother to pick them up when I saw our former Supreme President, Peter enter the gateway on a motorbike and behind him were our seniors who studied here before and I almost jumped up when I saw a very familiar face, it was Ben! But then they were driving too fast so I wasnt able to confirm if it really was him. They stopped somewhere where the gym blocks my view of them, I was skeptical to go and confirm if Ben was really there with them because I was not really that close with them. So, I kind of waited for a while and then there they came, Peter and some senior guys were walking right towards where I was sitting.

Hey Crissa, someones looking for you back there. Peter said. So that actually confirms what I was thinking earlier, Ben was actually with them. I wonder why he didnt come to me like he usually does?

I stood up and followed them. And there he was, my lovely man sitting atop his motorbike holding a regular sized box.

I instantly smiled when our eyes met and I walked closer to him.

Hi. He said.

Hi, youre here. I said excitedly which I tried to mask up because hey I was still embarrassed of showing my affection when others are watching and there were like 3-4 guys surrounding us. And they were actually being cheesy about it.

So were going to leave the both of you here so you can, you know. Peter said and they all went poof.

Yeah, go ahead! Shoo! Ben joked.

Youre here. I said again and sat next to him.

Belated Happy Anniversary Stiff. He said and made me all warm up inside.

Happy Anniversary to us. I replied then he handed me the box he was holding.

What is this? I asked.

Thats uhm, my gift. I had help but I basically made everything. He said shyly. Awww, this guy. It actually looked like an explosion box, like when you open it and it will spread out revealing its contents. I was very excited to see whats inside.

Dont open it right now. Wait till you get home. He said in a hurry and so I just set it aside then he handed me an eco-bag which was kind of heavy.

I looked at the contents and I almost cried because I saw my favorite snacks and theres some chocolate inside too.

Thank you so much, I love you. I said and looked at him. That actually surprised him so it took a while for him to reply, not that I was waiting though.

Dont you have something to say? Like a message? he said.

Uhm, I uh. Thank you for this, Im sorry I dont have something with me right now because you just surprised me.

I blurted which made him laugh all right.

Wait, thats it? he prompted while chuckling.

I, uh, I love you and happy anniversary again.

I know, Im a noob when it comes to romantic relationship. Duh, this is my first time to be in one! And to note, I may not be his first girlfriend but at least our relationship was by far the longest he had ever been in. And I want it to last longer, forever even.

Time drifted away as we talked, until eventually we both had to say goodbye. We said our I love yous and he told me hed be hanging out with his friends for a while longer. I didnt mind, I was just wanted him to get home safe.

When I got home, I dashed to my room, making sure no one saw me carrying this big ass eco-bag. Without even putting on a change of clothes, I excitedly opened the explosion box Ben has made for me.

And oh my gosh I was tearing up when I had the complete view of what my man has prepared for me. The box was explosive alright, it contained some snaps of the both of us, love letters and some random words written on a paper that was folded to look like fries.

The moment I opened it, I felt all the effort and heart poured into making it. The sincerity of his words on the handwritten love letter attached, the cutey cutouts of the words Happy 1st Anniversary and Ben and Crissa Forever made me want to swell in tears. It was the cheesiest yet the most expressive thing he had ever done to me and I love it so much. So much that I preserved al its contents up to the present day, sad how I wasnt able to keep it intact though but luckily, I was able to salvage all the pictures attached.

Our first year together had passed, we are now actually stepping into which may be a new era of our relationship. I had graduated in junior high school too and I am pretty sure that I will end up going to the same school as he does next school year. With this page in our life coming to an end, I know that the both of us will still face a lot of things in the future. We would be facing bigger problems, from personal to our very relationship, tomorrow may mean good or bad times but whats important among all of that is we will still have each other, he will continue to love me and I will continue to love Ben.


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