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We walk towards a rocky hill. "Where exactly are we going?." I said. "To Lupinos, one of the keeper of the stones." Ylm replied. I'm getting tired of walking. I'd never walk this far. After walking to a rocky hill, we arrive at a rocky place. By it looks, it's like a mini hideout. At the center, there are crescent shape door.

That door opens up and a boy shows up. We both have the same age. So, I'm sixteen maybe he's too. Anyway maybe that's Lupinos that Arponia talks about. He's good looking. He wear boots and wears like a ninja  costume. He's in total red.

He walks towards us and stares at me like he's saying why am I here. Arponia introduces me to him. "Lupinos, this is Gabriel from the mortal world." I lean my hand to have a shake hand but he didn't know what to do. Well, silly me, how would they know how to shake hands right?

He then smile and bow his head a little bit so I bowed to him too. We went inside and it's deep black. The only source of light was in the middle by a chandelier made with chains and ten candles.

As I took a glimpse to the place. There were weapons at the wall. Swords, axes and shields. I saw Ylm holding a map and placed it on a desk.

"We need to find and assemble all the keepers of the stone as soon as possible." Ylm said. "The war is coming, we must prepare for it." "We must find the dungeon and destroy it!" Lupinos respond. "Yes, that's the point of this mission." Arponia agreed.

I just stare at them and I'm in silence. I don't want to enter to their conversation for I don't know what's going on. Ylm stared at me and said. "You! If you're coming with us you should know how to protect yourself." I was shock. Are he's thinking straight? All I wanted is just to return home and nothing else.

Now he wants me to do martial arts or whatever? Am I really going for a war? I've take a paused there. I didn't replied that soon when the ground started to shake.

"We need to get out!" Lupinos said. We ran towards the other door and went out safely. "What was that?" I murmured. "It's starting!" Ylm said. "Avnur is coming."

I don't know what to do. Suddenly I saw those hideous monsters again. They showed up. I'm scared! There are like a hundred of them. "How do they know we are here?" Ylm questioned.

To Arponia's temper, she uses her ice stone to turn the monsters into ice. Lupinos too. In his right palm appears a red stone which I believe is the fire stone.

He uses his stone to burn the monsters and create a fire wall to distract them. "Now! Run!" Lupinos yelled. Downwards the hill, we ranned fast as we could.

Until we reach the bottom, we were exhausted and tired. But Ylm said there's no time to waste so we continue our journey to look for the rest of the keepers.

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