CHAPTER 28 "You kissed this monkey."

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*Alice's POV*

"Ma, let's go, I'm getting late." I call out to mom. I guess Tessa's punctuality perks are getting to me now. We were supposed to leave 20 minutes ago. We are supposed to be in Tessa's hospital room in the next 5 minutes and the hospital is 20 minutes away.

"Come on, we're ready." Dad tells me as both him and mum come into the living room, where I am impatiently waiting for them.

"You guys are late." I say and huff.

"Let's go. We'll be there soon honey don't worry." Mum says and we take off to the hospital.


*20 minutes later*

I reach Tessa's room and I hear laughter. She is definitely awake. So it wasn't just a joke. I doubted Shane was joking on some level. My heart beats faster at the sight of my best friend awake and a grin involuntarily stretches across my face.

"Oh my god! You're awake!!" I almost scream, keyword almost, and I run to her bed and hug her.

"Yeah... Hi!" she says and laughs.

"God, I missed you." I pull back and tell her.

"Doesn't seem like it." she says and raises her one eyebrow questioningly at me.

"What? Why?! Of course I missed you." I say and try to grasp the reason behind her statement. Has she gone mad?! She is my best friend. Of course I missed her presence in my life while she was in a coma for a freaking month. I look at her face, totally confused when a smile creeps upon her face.

"Then why are you 20 minutes late?" she says and giggles.

"Ugh! You're back. You've been up an hour and you're cranky already." I say and laugh along with her when she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you love me shut up. Anyways, given the circumstances,-" she says before coughing a little and changing her pitch to match the one teacher we hate-Mrs Hester and says, "-I will let your tardiness go but you are under my radar, missus, so you be careful." She completes and perks up her non-existent glasses like she always does.

We all laugh at her antics and I thank the lord that she is alright. Tessa meets my mom and dad and then, the adults, aka, Tessa's parents, my parents and Shane's parents go outside and start gossiping. Parents. I think to myself and roll my eyes before smiling anyway.

"Where's Anna?" Tessa says.

"Oh, shoot! I forgot to call her. Her grandma fell sick and she had to go to her place with her mom. I promised her I would face-time her when I reach here."

"Call her, I wanna talk to her." Tessa says and I face-time Anna. After a few moments, her face comes up on my screen and I can clearly see concern etched on her face.

"Is Tess alright? Please tell me she is." She says. I decide not to say anything and simply pass the phone to Tessa. She waves to her and 3 seconds later, I can hear the distinct scream of Anna from my phone.

"You're awake! You're awake! You're awake! Oh, I'm so glad you're awake." She says and smiles.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. How's grandma?"

"She's quite alright. It was nothing. She just caught the flu." She says and rolls her eyes.

"Take care of her." I say and smile.

"Yeah. Oh, but I'm sorry I couldn't be there right now."

"Shut up, it's absolutely fine. 3 monkeys around my head are enough. I can't handle you as well." She says and laughs. The next moment, we all start shouting at her altogether, saying different things.

"That's not fair-" I hear Shane.

"-You're a monkey too-" I say.

"-You kissed this monkey." Sheldon shouts and we all freeze. I look at Sheldon to see that he is biting his tongue and rubbing the back of his neck, like he does when he is nervous or ashamed. I look at Shane and an evil grin is adoring his face and me, I am frozen. I look at Tess and she is face-palming herself.

"I am your best friend! Why didn't you tell me!" I shout at her.

"You've been here 5 minutes!" Tessa argues. I am about to say something when I hear the distinct singing of Anna.

"Tessa and Sheldon sitting under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Tessa and Sheldon sitting under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"Oh shut up! And stop dancing Annabeth!!" Tessa says and I can see her getting red in the face.

"Well, finally. The sexual tension between you two was suffocating me." I say and smirk. Tessa turns to me but doesn't say anything. She then turns to Sheldon and points a finger at him.

"Sheldon Mason you're dead meat." She says.

"Oh come on, they were gonna know eventually." He says making his puppy face and I can see Tessa's resolve crumbling. I go near Shane and sit down beside him, ready to enjoy the show. Now if only I had some popcorn. Shane puts his arms around me and I kiss his cheek before turning to the 'new couple'.

"You haven't even proposed to me yet!" she says.

"But I-"

"-Aww, they're already fighting like a couple." Shane says and we laugh. Sheldon stands up, smacks Shane upside his head and goes to Tessa.

"But I was going to later when you come home and they would know then. What's the point anyway?" Sheldon says and takes her hand in his.

"Fine. Whatever." She says rolling her eyes.

"Besides, you know you love me." He says, winks at her and sits down on the chair beside her.

"Of course, my honey cake." She says and looks at us, before they high-five and we all start laughing. Yup, the craziest bunch of friends ever!

I look around me and see all four of us, sitting together and laughing, and I know that things can never get too out of control when I have these 'monkeys' in my life. I love all of them to the bits of my heart and I am glad they are in my life.

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