Chapter 6

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I rested my cheek on my hand as I watched Yoongi walk in with some books. He was instantly stopped by one of the popular girls. He hung his head low as they spoke, just as he walked in. The girl twirled her hair as she spoke to him. He only gave her a few head nods as responses. She finally gave him a small card that didn't have much decoration.

Hoon looked over at the girl and then me. He then began to write what was on the board. Yoongi finally took his seat behind me. His head still hung low and turned away from my sight. I decided to turn all the way around to him. He was shoving the card into his folder as if to hide it from me. I frowned.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Some party invitation," he shrugged.

"Are y-you gonna-" I paused, "W'What happened to your eye?"

"Don't worry about it," he said.

I nodded not wanting to seem more nosy than I already felt. The principal came on over the speakers and began to go over the daily announcements. As if anyone ever paid attention.

"By the way," Yoongi spoke lowly in my ear, "You're coming with me."

My eyes widened. Going to a party? That wasn't something I was down to do. However, he didn't make me. I didn't have to do it either, but what if he didn't wanna go alone? That meant I'd have to go. Right?


Luna made me wait by her locker, so I did. She was putting away her things and grabbed two bottles of water. One for me and one for her. She gave the second one to me and sat hers in her left arm and grabbed a sack of what I assumed had food in it. Her and I then began to walk to the lunch room. She was awfully quiet.

Once we got there, Hoon was already waiting for us. I sat down instead of going in the lunch line this time. I wasn't hungry and barely had the energy to go in line. Hoon began to talk about some project that was coming up and how nervous he was. I only sighed because this would be the second time he's complained about it today.

Luna bit into her apple and shook her head at Hoon. She didn't show much interest into anything he said, but she tried just because he didn't have friends. That's if we counted as his friends. Yoongi didn't seem to be anywhere around. Perhaps he was late to lunch? Or in the nurses office. Maybe even finishing homework in our last class because he didn't finish.

"Joyong," Hoon said, "What if I told you I loved you?"

My face turned red, "W-What?"

Luna rolled her eyes, "Don't say such nonsense to her."

Hoon smirked and leaned on his arm, "How are you so sure it's nonsense? Have you ever been in love?"

"There's no way you're in love with her," Luna said, "Actions speak louder than words, you know?"

Hoon looked straight at me, "I'll buy you roses, your favorite, right?"

"I-I don't like flowers," I put my head down.

"My love," Hoon smiled, "I'll show you the world."

"Did you drink alcohol or something?" Luna gave him dirty looks.

Hoon only rolled his eyes at her and then looked up behind me. He became red in the face and more to himself. I suddenly realised why. Yoongi sat beside me and rested his head on the table. Instantly he slid a card towards me. It was the same card the girl from earlier had given him. I was confused so I sat up and looked at it.

Wish Granted -YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now