Chapter 15

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I checked the lock on the building door to see if it worked. I was glad it did. Yoongi sat on the bench outside. He was underneath a tall ended street light looking pole. Yoongi looked up at me from his phone. He motioned me to go in. So I did.

The inside seemed colder than I had remembered. Definitely the floor; concrete and sturdy. I clenched the bag and towel in my hand. Is this how it felt to shower in a prison? Unsafe and disease filled? Probably.

After about a few minutes, I began to shower. For most of the time I had stared around every corner I could see to make sure no one was around. Although I was all alone, I felt watched, but I knew I was only paranoid.

I finally finished showering and got dressed quickly. It was super cold in the building and I was dreading the walk back to the tents. I unlocked the building door to Yoongi not sitting at the bench anymore. I gulped rather loudly and felt panic rush through me.

Did he run off just like I thought? No, he wouldn't, right? Just as I was about to close the door and go back in, the power cut off on the inside and outside. My heart began to race even harder now. What was going on?

Suddenly there was loud groan echoing from somewhere. I stood froze in the door way unsure of where it had come from. That was until I saw a flashlight from a phone which I assumed was Yoongi's. He had come out of the other building assigned to the guys.

Without thinking, I ran to him and hugged him. My heart was still racing a bit, but slowed down a little when he pulled me into a side hug. He quickly turned his flashlight off and shoved it into his pocket. I was confused as of why.

"You're not naked," Yoongi asked, "are you?"

I pushed myself out of the hug, "Wh-What? No!"

"Good," Yoongi grabbed his phone again, "Let's go ho--I mean to the tents."


I woke up to a loud horn. My first thought was that it was the end of the world. My heart began to race from the startlement. Every scary or anxious thought that had rushed through my mind was soon ended by the annoying voice of my teacher.

I rubbed my eyes and quickly brushed my hair before getting out of my tent. I didn't really feel like being judged for not brushing my hair after just waking up. Unzipping the tent, I noticed that Yoongi was laying halfway out of his tent on his hands and knees.

It looked like he was dying until he looked over at me. I looked the other way trying not to laugh. Yoongi squinted his eyes and looked like he was sick of everything. If looks could kill, I would've been dead for sure by now.

The teacher whipped out some megaphone type of item and shouted for everyone to wake up. It was even more annoying than before. I facepalmed before fully coming out of my tent. I wished I didn't come, but I was technically forced to, so now it was just terror.

As we all got in line, I couldn't help, but to wonder if my dad was okay or not. The hospital had never called me about him. I began to wonder if they had switched him over or something, but then again, I hadn't been visiting him much. That was something I would do when I got home.

We were all sent to picnic tables where we'd be eating breakfasts. I rarely cared about eating in the morning, but this morning I was quite hungry. A person from each table was to grab the bags for everyone. Yoongi volunteered to do so. Leaving me with some other classmates who I barely knew.

"Is it true, Joyong?" one asked.

"Wh-What?" I asked.

"Ooh she's stuttering~," the other said, "A sign of guiltiness!"

"A-About w-w-what?" I felt my face start to go red.

"About you and Yoongi," one pointed with her eyes, "did something last night, duh."

"They definitely did," the other winked, "She's so pink. If we tell Xiao, she'll go nuts!"

"Do it," the first one nudged, "I love watching her suffer."

I felt puzzled. They thought that Yoongi and I did something. We never did anything bad. It was only a friend helping a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. The two girls in front of me seemed eager. I wanted to toy with them, but I wasn't that bold of a person.

"Oh, oh!" one of them squeaked, "He's coming! Act natural!"

Yoongi sat down and passed out the bags we all were supposed to have. The two of them thanked him and then stared at him intently. I smirked in a way to keep myself from laughing. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at them. I quickly opened my bag.

"What?" he asked.

"Where did you guys... ya know?" one asked so boldly.

"In your brother's shoe," Yoongi said sarcastically.

Yoongi then opened his bag and took out a cereal bar we were provided with. I watched from the corner of my eye at their smiles instantly turning into frowns. It was funny to see, but I was concerned. Why did Yoongi technically say yes? My face suddenly felt hot.

"The real question is how did they not get caught?" the other chuckled.

"We did nothing," Yoongi said with a mouth full.

"Can we tell Xiao otherwise?" they asked.

Yoongi waved his hand at them for them to bug off. They did so. I was glad because it was really aggravating.


The trip happened so quickly this week and I was surely glad to finally be going home. There wasn't a single chance for me to charge my phone so it naturally died by the second day. Xiao and her clan hadn't bugged much after the first day for some reason. I found it weird.

Besides that, I did notice the tension between her and Yoongi. She'd glare at him with eyes full of fire while Yoongi would always turn his head away. Then again, they could secretly like each other or something. I mean, from what those two girls rumored the other day, it seemed Xiao was interested in Yoongi.

It honestly made me worry. Maybe I was even a little hurt. More like a lot, but there wasn't anything I could do or say if Yoongi felt that way towards Xiao. After all, I can't make someone I liked feel the same way towards me. Unless it was against their will, but that'd be weird.

Once I got home, I hooked my phone to the charger. It lit up with the battery image. I sighed and fell back into my bed. It was already a stressful week. I only planned to get up and go see my dad later. It was still early in the morning anyway. Around 10 am to be exact.

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