Chapter 10

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There was a smell of cinnonmin as I woke up. Who was cooking this early in the morning? Maybe it was my neighbors again. They normally left their door cracked for some weird reason when they made food. I rolled over on my side and took a deep breath. The smell only seemed to become stronger. Was it my imagination?

"Joyong-ah," a voice appeared.

My eyes flew open and I turned towards the voice. It was Yoongi standing over me with a cinnonmin stick in his hand. From the looks of it, he was eating off of it. I frowned at him and rose out of bed. He flipped the covers off of me and pulled me out of bed. I gasped at this action, but he didn't seem to hesitate of dragging me into the kitchen.

Before I knew it, Yoongi covered my eyes in the hall before the kitchen. I questioned what was going on, but Yoongi suggested to keep them shut until he said so. After a few moments, he said to open and so I did. My eyes widened at the sight that was in front of me. There was cinnimon sticks, strawberries, and other foods. I was definately more than surprised.

"W-What's this for?" I asked.

"I'm learning to cook and needed a test subject," Yoongi explained, "So if you die, I need to improve."

"Aish," I gave a puzzled look, "A-Atleast it smells g-good."

Yoongi nodded. I sat down and grabbed the foods and sat them on my plate. My phone began to ring in my room. I began to stand up, but Yoongi grabbed it before me. I stared at him while he spoke to whoever was on the phone. His face went grim and exchanged a worried look at me. My heart dropped at that look. Yoongi soon hung up.

"Wrong number," Yoongi said.

"Then w-why the worried look?" I questioned.

"Worried look?" Yoongi scoffed, "Eat what I made or starve, eh."

I rolled my eyes and shoved the pancakes in my mouth. Yoongi smirked and did the same to mock me. I checked the clock to see that it was 7:24 AM. My heart jumped out of my chest as I realized. School started at 8:15. There wasn't much time to get ready. I rushed and ate a few more bites before running to get ready for school. I left Yoongi to clean up.

I couldn't believe he didn't wake me up sooner nor that my alarm didn't go off. My phone was dead anyway, but that was my fault because I forgot to charge it. Yoongi didn't even have time to go home and change. By the time we headed out, it was around 7:45. Yoongi didn't seem to care about being in uniform, but it made me nervous for him.

Would he get in trouble? Yoongi didn't even seem to be upset either. However there wasn't anything we could do. He'd probably only get detention. That's if they added onto our own detention which was unfortunately today. I couldn't believe I forgot. How could I? At least it'd be just a few of us. Maybe they'd cut us some slack?

Yoongi didn't seem to rush either so I calmed myself down. I watched from the corner of my eye as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Without thinking I clutched onto the straps of my backpack. It was my way of copying his gestures. Strange, but I felt awkward.


We soon got to the school doors. Unfortunately the doors were locked. My heart felt like it was sinking lower and lower as I waited for Yoongi to react. He only stood there with his hand on the door handle and stared down at it. Yoongi tried to open it again, but it wouldn't budge. I gulped in anticipation. Would we get into more trouble than before?

"Joyong," Yoongi cleared his throat, "Can you look through those windows while I wait for someone? Maybe one of us will get help."

I nodded. It seemed like a good plan. Except I didn't like the idea of someone seeing me, but it was my mission now. I stood on my toes and put my face up to the window. The classroom I saw was empty and dark. It seemed that no one was nor had been in it for a few hours. Maybe even days. The only light was from the windows. I could see my shadow staring back at me from the floor.

Suddenly I heard a door open. I turned my head to look. Yoongi was waving me down. Someone had opened the door for us! I felt relieved seeing that he was waiting with the door open for me. Someone had switched with him. My expression changed grimly as I saw Xiao was now holding it open. She had motioned for Yoongi to go on while she held the door for me.

Just before I was even three feet away, she shut it quickly. I felt myself begin to panic as I watched her devilish smile flash and wave at me. Before I could take a minute to breathe, she was out of sight. I then banged on the door with my hands. No one came. I was out here alone. I bit my lip and took a few deep breaths. There was another way in, right?

After a few moments of thinking, I came to a conclusion; either find another way, wait here, or go back home. All ending very badly. Going back home seemed like the best option at the moment since I already felt stressed. Either way, I had to be here for my punishment. Surely the office doors would be open, right?

I headed towards the doors of the office. The secretary looked up from her desk and asked for identification. I put my ID card to the window and waited for her to unlock the doors. Thankfully this happened. I walked in and towards my locker. My stomach dropped once I saw a pink slip sticking out. Grabbing it, I saw that it was only the detention slip and that to go after the assembly.

I took a deep breath and put my things in my locker and headed to my classroom. My feet slowly dragged me down the hall just so I could be slow. Mostly because I didn't want to show up late. Just before I could take another step, a hand grabbed my arm from behind. It scared me so I twirled around quickly to see who it was. I then calmed as soon as I saw who it was.

"Where were you going?" he asked.

"The c-classroom," I said.

"Our room has already been called," Yoongi stated, "Come on."

I shuffled behind him. He had a hold of my wrist as he basically dragged me. I glanced at the clock on the hall wall as we rushed by it. What was going on today? There were other students in their classrooms who had been waiting to go. As we rushed, the speakers came on calling other classroom names. Just within seconds, the halls became full.

Luckily, we got to get a seat within our classroom row. It was loud when I looked around. Yoongi sat at the very end as I sat between him and someone else in our class. Yoongi would glance over at me before slumping down and resting his head on his hand. My eyes couldn't help it, but stare at Yoongi. His eyes were closed as if to rest.

The assembly began with safety regulations. I sighed inside. If this wasn't boring enough, I didn't know what was. The principal spoke firmly like he was giving a speech about saving the country. I looked at Yoongi to see he was staring at me or at least my way. My face began to burn. Why was he staring? Yoongi then motioned with his head to look behind me.

I turned around to see Xiao rubbing Hoon's leg in a strange way. She went higher each time. I made a disgusted face. Yoongi rolled his eyes and shook his head. He then looked back up at the stage with a killing look at the principal. I sat back in my seat and glanced over at Xiao and Hoon. My old friend and my enemy. Yet I couldn't help, but go back to what Luna said.

They were helping me? It never seemed like that, but I didn't question it nor did I trust it. No one would ever turn that quick and not be suspicious, right?

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