Chapter 9

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It'd been a week and Luna hadn't shown any recovery. This was only the beginning. My father was to get out of the hospital soonㅡfour days to be exact. Yoongi hadn't been showing up to school for the past few days either. None of the texts I sent him would go through either. Once again, I was alone without a friend.

Once again, the loneliness didn't bother me, but the betrayal did. Luna never smiled at me anymore, Hoon would rush when I got near him, and Yoongi just disappeared like the wind. What did I ever do to receive such punishment of a criminal? Maybe I had been taking advantage of everyone without knowing it. I was failing everyone as they slipped between my fingers.

Could I have done anything to prevent any of it? Probably, but what was that? Maybe I did something that triggered Xiao, but what was it? And why did Hoon leave as well? This had to be a joke, right? I sat at the lunch table alone and contemplated what I should do. Was school even worth coming to anymore?

I decided to go to the nurse's office and see if I could fake being sick just so I could go home. You could hear everyone in the cafeteria as you walked down the hall. It was interesting because I never knew people were that loud. Fortunately the nurse was sitting at her desk eating some sort of wrap. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door frame.

The nurse jumped a bit and turned around. Her mouth was stuffed from whatever she was eating. She motioned for me to come in so I did, but slowly. I sat on the end of the bed as she sat down her food and rolled over to me on her small chair. Without any words exchanged, she did a short check up on me as if it were a normal thing.

"Your temperature is a bit high," she showed me, "99.5."

"Oh," I said.

"Normally I wouldn't send someone home for this," she began writing on her clipboard, "but this is your first time in here, isn't it?"

I nodded.

"Well," she said, "Here is your slip."

I bowed my head and thanked her. With that, I left the office and headed to my locker. Some of my books fell out so I sighed. Just as I picked some up, my hand touched another. It was Luna! I gasped because this was the most interaction I've had with her in a while. She smiled at me for the first time as well.

"Don't take it to heart that Hoon and I are doing what we're doing," she said, "Just getting close to ruin her life, you know?"

"Huh?" I felt puzzled.

"She caused Hoon to drink a little too much. And for that, Hoon is deeply sorry about the party. I'm also sorry, I should have come with you and Yoongi. Just know, we're friends with Xiao for now just to get back at her. Also, where is Yoongi? I haven't seen him in a while," she explained.

"Your guess is as g-good as mine," I shrugged.

"Maybe he's sick," Luna said, "Are you?"

"I'm being sent home," I said, "I have a fever."

Luna frowned, "Get well soon, okay?"

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