Chapter 11

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Detention hadn't been as bad as I thought. It was just a solitary room that was barely used. Not a sound was made from anyone. If the whole world was as silent as the room, you could have heard walls talk. I never got too uncomfortable at the time. Aside from Yoongi looking at me. It gave me butterflies as they called it.

Yoongi and I were sitting on a bench outside of the hospital. My father was to be discharged today, but they found something was wrong with his appendix. I couldn't help, but feel like everything would be changing. Not sure if it would be good or bad, but I knew it'd just be some kind of change. And I was hoping for good.

"It'll be okay," Yoongi looked at me, "have faith."

I only nodded and looked at the hospital. Funny how I had just been here a while ago. Not for him, but for me. It was also interesting that Yoongi even stayed by my side. I guess that he cared that much about me as a friend. It brought a tear to my eye that I realized it. Yoongi grabbed my shoulder and brought me closer to him. I then cried into his chest because I also felt worried about my father.

"I don't know the exact words," Yoongi began, "but I'll be here as much as I can for you, okay?"

"O-Okay," I nodded.


"Ladies first," Yoongi said.

We entered the convienant store with caution. Yoongi went over in another isle while I looked for a candy I wanted. Yoongi went to go grab rice cakes. I kneeled down to grab the candy I felt someone put their hand on my head. Instantly, I looked up to see Hoon. He seemed to have a wicked smile. It made me feel uneasy.

I grabbed the candy and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. My face began to burn. The store was quieter than usual. I looked up to the mirrored camera in the corner. Yoongi was examining a bag of chips and then put them down. Hoon then drew me closer to him. All I could wish is for that Yoongi would come quickly.

"You can't just walk around alone," he whispered in my ear.

I pulled at my arm, trying to free myself, but Hoon only latched on harder to it. It was a slight pain that worsened. I looked back at the camera to see that Yoongi was no longer there. My heart began to race. That was until I saw Yoongi come from behind. He freed me in a way I couldn't explain. Yoongi then grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

"Let's go," Yoongi motioned.

"I guess I need better bait," Hoon chuckled.

His words went through me like a virus. What did he mean by "bait" and what were his intentions? I watched him rush out of the store as acting as if he forgot something. His manners, probably. I walked with Yoongi to the counter and watched the window as our stuff was bagged.

There wasn't really anything I could have done to prevent what happened a few moments ago, but I found myself wondering the possibilities. Yet I never took a single one.  I took a deep breath as we left and walked back to my apartment complex.

Soon enough, we barged into my apartment with bags of the items we got at the store. I immediately ripped open a juice packet and began sucking it up. The jelly flavored peach inside was sweet and mild. Yoongi was staring at me as I did so. I blushed and then grabbed the samgak gimbap from a bag.

I grabbed the ends and tried to open it. It seemed stuck. Biting my lip in frustration, I went at it once more. Yoongi let out a soft chuckle at my actions. I only shook my head at him as I tried to open it once more.

"Need help?" he asked.

"I-I got it," I said struggling.

"No you don't," Yoongi took the bag from me.

I watched as Yoongi grabbed the top and untwisted it and then pulled it apart. He then took a piece of the top and ate it. Yoongi then handed it back to me. I frowned as I took it back. Who was he to show off?

"I-I didn't say y-you could have a b-bite," I huffed.

"It's my reward for opening it for you," he said.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of the rice ball. Yoongi smirked and then took a bite of his hot bar. I only stared in disgust as he ate. Not that he looked awful, but because I wasn't a huge fan of the type of fish that was in hot bars. It made me sick everytime I smelled the thing.

Yoongi then finished quickly and threw away our trash. He rolled up his sleeves and quickly rushed to the sink and began washing his hands. I found it strange how he rushed, but didn't question it. He wasn't the type to run, but I guess he got something he didn't want on his hands.

"Where's the paper towels?" he asked.

"I'll g-get them," I said.

"No," he spoke loudly, "I-I can get them, just tell me where they are."

"Y-Yoongi," I frowned moving from my spot, "I-It's fine, I c-can grab them s-s-so you don't have t-to."

I squatted down to grab the paper towels from the kitchen sink cabinets. Yoongi moved so I could open them. He especially hid his arms as best as he could. Once I grabbed the paper towels, I raised an eyebrow at his actions and sat the paper towel beside him on the counter.

Yoongi scooted back to his position as soon as I began to head back over to the table. I heard something drop behind me. Instantly, I looked back as a reaction. Yoongi bent down and grabbed the paper towels. My eyes shifted to his arms. They were bruised.

Wish Granted -YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now