Chapter 12

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I decided to pretend I didn't see his bruises yesterday. However it made me wonder through out our first class. Yoongi wore a headband today. It looked quite good on him, but I've never seen him wear any hat or decorations on his head before other than a beanie.

There was only so little time before we had gym class. Everyone had to have short sleeves. Maybe I'd have to watch Yoongi disappear with the wind once more. Maybe Yoongi would even have an excuse. I somehow became more worried by the minute.

The teacher was writing a long sentence on the board. I took this chance to look back at Yoongi. He was fiddling with his pencil while bouncing his leg. We made a short moment of eye contact before I turned back towards the board of space.

"Let's pick someone who hasn't been picked on in a while," the teacher's eyes wondered the room.

I already knew that it had to be me. He would usually pick me when he said those motion sickening words. My breath was already shortened by him looking towards everyone's faces. His eyes landed on me, but instantly went straight behind me.

"Ah," he exclaimed, "Mr. Min! Why don't you answer this question?"

"There's a reason I'm failing this subject," Yoongi said monotonically.

The teacher nodded at his words, "Why don't you get someone who's doing quite well in this subject?"

He moved over to his pedestal and grabbed a book of what I assumed grades from a small hole. Once slamming it onto the top, he looked through and slid his finger across grades and names. I, myself, wondered who had the best grade in this class. Was it Xiao? No, she had to have been cheating on tests. She'd answer wrong in class every time as well.

"It would seem there's two of you," the teacher smiled, "Luna and Joyong."

My heart dropped from him speaking my name. Why wasn't there more than us two? My grade was only an A-. That must've meant Luna had the same or maybe even higher. Maybe the exact reason Xiao was passing this class barely. Still, I felt nauseous. Well, at least he didn't despise us as much as he used to. Back when we were friends.

My eyes wondered over towards Luna. She was looking at me as well. Was she thinking the same thing as me? That it was quite interesting how us, non-friends, were the top in this subject of our class. Especially since it was English. Something I felt personally awful at. Somehow the notice I was one of the tops in this class gave me an ego boost. I enjoyed it.

Yoongi and I exchanged glances before looking away. I assumed that the teacher was going to make him pick between us. As if he'd pick her to help him study, right? My mind wasn't playing tricks on me that he'd pick her? And if he did, I'd be fine. I hope.

"It seems that Luna would be a better fit to tutor you," the teacher suggested, "However, I'd like you guys to work together."

I clutched at my chest. What was this teacher trying to do to me? My heart felt tense and I was definitely shaken up over this. This feeling felt too hard to describe, but was this... jealousy? The feeling I hadn't felt enough to know the words for. My face lit up like a forest fire.

"Is Joyong having a heart attack?" someone spoke near me.

I looked up from my desk to see eyes from all corners look at me. Maybe even into my soul. My face felt even hotter the longer they stared. So this is what it was like to die in front of everyone. Suddenly my ears began to ring. I didn't know what was happening, but I also began to feel like I was detaching from myself. I was here, but I wasn't. My mentality was cursing me to my grave as I sat in this classroom.

I looked around at everyone staring at me. My vision was slowly beginning to blur. Mouths were moving, but I heard nothing. How could I let myself get like this so quickly? And over the fact that I thought Yoongi would be choosing her over me. As if we were together when we weren't. I didn't understand why my feelings became strong, but I knew the world suddenly went black. Thud.


I opened my eyes to a bright light with someone hurdling over top of me. Was I dead? Voices hovered around my ears, but I couldn't make out what was being said. My vision wasn't as blurry as before, but as if I had 15/20 vision.

I heard more than one voice surrounding me. The light above me was almost blinding me. I squinted and moved my hand in front of my eyes, only for my hands to be put back at my sides forcibly. I couldn't tell what was going on clearly, but I knew I wasn't in class anymore.

"Joyong!" I heard someone call out.

Yoongi? No, the voice was too hoarse. Almost as if it sounded like my dad, but my dad was in the hospital. Wasn't he? The light hit me directly in my eyes. It hurt like when you've been in the dark to light for a long time. My vision cleared more as my eyes focused on the checkered out ceiling tiles. It was a familiar sight, but I wasn't entirely sure. That was until I saw someone with a mask on.

I blinked a few times before recognizing the man standing in front of me. It was only the school nurse. My forehead felt cold and wet. I went and touched it to feel a rugged rag sitting. The nurse was smiling with his eyes as he whipped out the small cylinder flashlight. It was metallic and white just as the room was.

He flashed it across my eyes as I stared at him with confusion. Once doing so, he turned to his clipboard on the small table at the side of the bed and wrote something on it. Probably my pupil dilation or how quick I was to respond. He motioned for me to sit up. I did so forgetting about the cold rag that fell onto my lap. I grabbed it and reached it to him.

The nurse took the rag and ringed it out in the pan that also sat on the small table. I took a look around the room for a moment while he wrote something on the clipboard again. I noticed that a window had been left open. Maybe for fresh air, or the fact that it was a bit humid in here.

"Do you remember anything before you came in here?" he asked.

"I-I, uh, I," I thought for a minute, "I remember s-s-someone o-or some people w-w-were staring at me."

He nodded, "Do you remember where you were?"

"My class-r-room," I said.

"Alright," he said standing up, "I'll give you a choice here. Go home with a slip I can give you to give to the office, or stay the rest of the day here and finish your classes."

Before I could say anything, he interrupted me, "I can tell you'd rather go home, so no worries. Here's your slip."

I only smiled and took it.

Wish Granted -YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now