Chapter 18

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"Why are you sitting alone?" Jungkook asked, "Come over here with my friends and I."

I willing fully got up and headed over to the lunch table with Jungkook. He seemed so care free as he walked. It was very interesting since we had only just met. I was also very shocked that I'd make a friend, especially someone like him, this quick.

At the table sat, who I assumed who was in his clique, several guys--three others to be exact. They all greeted me with a small wave while eating. I sat on the end beside Jungkook. His friends didn't really seem to care much I was here, but I was glad.

Jungkook introduced me to the three of them; Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin. There was a small silence within the table after introductions. It were almost as if they didn't care each other was there. They were too into their food, secluded if you will.

The cafeteria seemed to become louder each second I stayed there. Instead of eating, I couldn't help, but search around. Every table was full of Randoms I was yet to know. However, I noticed a table of girls were staring my way. Was this gonna be another Xiao situation?

"So you're from Daegu?" Namjoon asked.

"Y-Yeah," I nodded.

"One of our old friends was from Daegu," Namjoon explained, "Except he moved back a few months ago. So that kind of sucked."

"Now that I think of it," Taehyung spoke up, "Has he even spoke to us since?"

The rest of them shook their heads no. I knew for sure that they were talking about Yoongi. It was actually really interesting to think about. Out of some coincidence, I ended up with Yoongi's old friends he had here in Busan.

"Hey," Jimin made eye contact with me, "Do you know him?"

"W-W-Who?" I asked.

"Jimin," Jungkook frowned, "Don't you think if she knew him, she would've spoke up about it about now?"

Jimin bit his lip in frustration and then shrugged his shoulders. He finally went back to finishing up his food. I began to stare down at the table zoning out. Mostly because I felt awkward and didn't have anything else to say. Despite the fact I could've said I knew, I wanted to see how far I could go.


I dipped the brush into the cup of water and gently swept the upper part of the cup to lessen the damp ends. Next I hardly tapped the light blue splat on the tray and make swirling lines across the canvas. Jungkook moved my hand causing me to brush paint on an area I didn't want that color.

Instantly, I sighed, but blushed because it was out of the blue. His eyes examined the colors and extracts I had painted. There wasn't much, but it was definitely something. His doe eyes seemed to be focused on one spot in particular. The spot he made me mess up.

"Why did you do that there?" he asked.

"Y-You did th-th-that," I frowned.

"What?" he stared into my eyes with innocence, "I haven't touched your canvas though."

"Jungkook!" the teacher yelled, "Stop flirting with the new student and go back to your area!"

Jungkook broke the eye contact and let go of my hand. I felt my face burn. That was flirting? My eyes shifted to him still walking to his canvas.

I took a deep breath and painted over the smudge. It looked okay to me. I mean, I was always decent at painting, but never really enjoyed it as much.

Suddenly I wondered what Yoongi was up to. My eyes shifted towards the clock. He'd probably be in math by now if he was in school. An emotion of sadness filled me. Mostly because I missed him.

Yoongi and I hadn't talked in a few days and it scared me. Was he vanishing just like he vanished from here? Leaving me as if I was nothing just like he did with his friends here?

I didn't understand the no contacting his friends since they all seemed to like him. Maybe he felt he wasn't worthy of their time or something. It was strange as well. Especially since he took pride in his friends.

The bell rang for the end of the day. I was relieved since the day seemed to drag. However I was dreading heading back to a place I didn't dare call a home.

I put my canvas on the rack and took my apron off. Jungkook accompanied me by my side. We then walked out into the hall where the rest of the guys met us. I felt kind of safe since they were all nice.

"Joyong," Taehyung said, "You wanna go to the new restaurant in town with us Friday night? I'm paying."

I thought for a brief moment, "S-Sure."

"By the way," he took a deep breath, "Hope this doesn't seem rude, but why are you always stuttering?"

Namjoon nudged Taehyung and shook his head. Taehyung grabbed his forearm and rubbed it. I could tell it hurt more than he showed. I didn't care about the question since it was something that I got asked quite a bit through my life.

"Taehyung," Namjoon raised his brows, "Don't be so blunt."

"N-No," I assured, "I-I-It's oka-okay! I h-h-have a sp-sp-sp-speech impediment. It's an-annoying somet-times."

"No shame in that," Namjoon smiled, "Not everyone is the same."

"I-I didn't say she was weird!" Taehyung nervously assured.

I smiled at them. It was something I could do during such an awkward time. Soon we departed ways. I hopped in my Aunt's car. She had her strange music on. Definitely not my taste.

"I just wanted to let you know that your uncle and I won't be home Thursday and Friday," my aunt started, "We'll be going to visit your father and helping him."

"Wh-What?" I lifted my head, "W-Without me?"

"You have school," she said.

"B-But it's my d-d-dad!" I frowned.

"I know it's youe d-d-dad," she mocked, "but it doesn't give you an excuse to skip school. Don't argue with the one who keeps you under their roof! Understand me?"

"Y-Yes ma'am," I looked out the window.

"I wish you'd quit stuttering," she mumbled, "It's so rude."

I rolled my eyes.


Me: Yoongi ?
Me: Yoongs? Are you there?
Me: Did I do something wrong?(个_个)
Yoongi: sorry
Yoongi: whats ur address?

Wish Granted -YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now