Chapter 17

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It had been three days since I moved to my aunts. Every night I'd wake up around 3 AM with the same emotions; fear and confusion. I hardly ever knew where I was. Only because it was a whole new house and city for me. 

The room I had in my aunts was sort of small, but I didn't mind. It fit a bed, a dresser, and a squared closet. I stared at myself in the mirror on the wall. It wasn't that I was worried about how I looked, it was just the uniform was much different from my old one.

"Joyong!" I heard my uncle yell, "Hurry up! You're gonna be late!"

With a aggravated sigh, I dragged myself out of the small room and down the hall. My uncle pushed up his rounded frames and motioned for me to hurry. I was nervous about today mostly because it was the first day at my new school.

I sat in the passenger seat of the car and stared out the window. My uncle started the car and jerked the wheel. I bumped my head against the window hard. It hurt a lot so I rubbed it with my hand. Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Yoongi.

Yoongi: u up?

Yoongi: happy first day of school lol (👍 ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)👍

Me: thanks ig (っ ͡‿‿ ͡    )っ🎔~

Yoongi: u at school yet?

Me: almost

Me: I think imma learn sign language

Yoongi: whats the occasion???

Me: so I dont have to talk and say im mute ¯\_( ͡─ ‿ ͡─)_/¯

Yoongi: s-m-a-r-t

"Who are you texting this early in the morning?" my uncle questioned.

"U-Um," I gulped, "Y-Yoongi."

My uncle shook his head and reached his hand in the glove compartment. I moved so he could have room to grab whatever he was searching for. Finally after a red light, he grabbed a paper and checked it. He then handed it to me.

I shoved my phone into my backpack pockets and took the piece of paper. It was my schedule. I questioned as of why he didn't tell me or give it to me earlier. Maybe he forgot, but I didn't care. It was the first day at a whole other universe.  

My stomach dropped once we pulled up to the school. My uncle turned up the radio as I awkwardly got out of the car. He seemed to stomp the breaks after a minute of me getting out. I couldn't help, but stand in awe as I looked at the tall building in front of me.

Thankfully the office was a room that was straight through the front doors. Meaning I could go there instantly--which I did. Just before I could reach for the office door, a fairly tall human being grabbed it for me. I looked up in shock. He had wavy black short hair and a bunny smile.

"Are you new?" he asked, "I've never seen you around."

I nodded.

"Uh," he followed behind me into the office, "J-Joyong, right?"

My eyes widened, but I nodded once more.

"Oh cool!" he smiled even bigger, "I get to show you around today, but first to Mrs. Yahn's office!"

We both headed down a small hallway and knocked on a metallic door. It felt as if we entered the dungeon of some evil queen or something. I was still shocked by this random knowing my name, but he seemed very nice. I could get used to this.

"Come in," a woman's fair voice rang.

"Oooh," she smiled, "I see you found her before she could even get here. Thank you."

"Well actually," he scratched the back of his neck, "We ran into each other on the way in."

she nodded slowly and glared a bit, "Have you guys introduced yet?"

I shook my head.

The woman took a deep breath, "Joyong, this is Jungkook, one of our best athletes, and Jungkook, this is Joyong, the student you will be showing around."

I bowed my head a small portion in respect towards Jungkook. He did the same in a fast reaction kind of way. We both then smiled awkwardly until the madam spoke.

"Well," she smiled, "You both may leave."


"This is the gym where I reside," Jungkook explained, "I don't know your schedule, but you probably don't have it since it's the end of the semester soon."

I nodded intently to his words and trying to memorize every location. So far I had memorized a few classrooms that were planted on my schedule. It felt more American than ever due to the excessive classroom switching I had to get used to.

We began our journey further down the hall. I took a deep breath as we stopped for him to grab something from his locker. He chuckled under his breath. It was a little bit suspicious, but I didn't wanna overthink too much. After all, I hardly knew him.

"So," Jungkook took a sip of his water, "Where are you from? Or do you not talk?"

"U-Uh," I cleared my throat, "D-D-Daegu."

"Woah," he smiled, "My best friend is from Daegu. It sucks he moved a while back, but Busan might've been too much for his dad. Or at least that's what he said."

I shrugged not knowing how to respond properly. It kind of sounded like he was speaking about Yoongi since the description fitted a little too much, but I shook it off for now. However, I'd keep it noted away in my brain for the future.

"Hey uh," Jungkook looked intimidated, "By any chance, can I have your number?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"N-Not like that!" he chuckled, "I'm asking because, y'know, you're new... I've shown you around... we could be buddies. You need a buddy here, right?"

I thought about his words for a moment. This could be an advantage in the long run for me. He could be a genuine person and be somewhat like Yoongi or he could help me with moving in this school. Either way, all I could see were the positives.

I nodded and pulled out my phone. Jungkook smiled brightly and put my number in his phone. We then continued on with the tour of the school. I felt more at peace now that he would be here. Regardless if I had known my other peers or not, I felt safe at school for once.


The bell rang for the end of the day. I was quite exhausted from most of the day since I had to tour and such. The principal had me stay in the detention room since the class I'd be in was on a field trip today. How fortunate of me actually, but then again, Jungkook was there, too.

Once I stepped outside of the school doors, I took a deep breath of the chilly air. It wasn't as cold as it was in Daegu. After all, Busan didn't feel real compared to Daegu, but then again, I haven't been here very long.

Jungkook patted me on the head as he passed me to join what looked like his group of friends. I felt myself blush at the surprising gesture. Smiling to myself, I hopped in the car with my uncle. He had sunglasses on and stared at me.

"You make a friend?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," I nodded.

"That's good," he smiled, "Your aunt will be happy about that."

I nodded once more and pulled out my phone. No texts came from Jungkook, so I went to Yoongi's messages. He hadn't texted me either. I found it weird, but I kinda did leave him on read earlier, so maybe he was upset with me.

Me: I made a friend today :D

I put my phone in my pocket and closed my eyes. I wanted to relax from the day. Although it was a happy occasion, I wasn't feeling up to it. In other words, I was a bit drained from the move.

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