The Same Suit Again ~ Part Two

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Flashback to last night.

Ianto POV

I was working like I always do cleaning. I have to clean before I go home, or I just don't feel right. I decided that maybe I was just tired after all, I had been up for nearly 22 hours by now. There is no point in me going home now Jack doesn't even know I'm here, he never does. I begin to feel my eyes becoming more tired. I just fall asleep on the desk.

Jack POV

I sat at my desk buried beneath paperwork again. I stare at the black clock on the edge of my desk. It was a present from Ianto for my last birthday. It's already four am so I decide to finish this piece of paperwork before heading to bed for a couple of hours before everyone gets in. Well most of them will be late but I know for a fact that Ianto will be in at 7:30 just like he is every morning. I could really do with some coffee right now but every time I try to make one the coffee machine I seem to break and everyone else has gone home, not that any of them have much luck; Ianto's coffee is the best. As soon as I say they can leave the building they all grab their bags and leave. Sometimes Tosh stays to just finish but it's never for long. So then I'm just left alone with Ianto, he always stays until well after everybody else, he always wants to finish what he started or just clean up after everyone has gone home When they leave the building most of them take their comms out and certainly nobody would have them in at this hour.

Suddenly, I hear screaming through my comms. Who must that be? Then I hear a loud bang but realise I can hear it in the hub not just through the comms. I race out of my office and hear another bang coming from down near the archives. I panic soon realising that it must be Ianto. I try shouting his name through the comms but that doesn't wake him up. I gasp as I enter the archives to find Ianto laying on the floor screaming about me leaving him and not waking up. I grab him in my arms. Telling him to calm down and rubbing his head. He screams again. It just makes me sick to my stomach. I sit there not knowing what else to do. As I stroke his head he begins to come back to reality. He wakes up panting. 'Sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to wake you or disturb you from your work. I understand that it is very important.'

'Ianto why were you screaming?'

'I'm fine really sir.'

'Two thing, one you are absolutely not fine by any means and two I thought we agreed that you didn't need to call me sir anymore.' As I say this Ianto starts to place things right back exactly where they were. And I can see the frustration on his face when he can't remember exactly where everything goes. I know I need to get him out of this room in order for us to talk.

'Ianto come up to my office, we need to talk about this and about everything. You need help.' I say firmly. He bowed his head in shame and followed me to my office. I never wanted Ianto to feel ashamed of anything he did. He is so brave, and he doesn't even know it. We sat on the sofa and Ianto opens his mouth to begin to explain. But no words come out. 'It's okay Ianto. Whatever is, you can tell me it won't change how I feel about you.'

"I have... O... OCD and have had...  p... panic attacks... ever since I was little' I stare at him confused. 'Please don't get mad... but... I... I erased it from my personnel file. I didn't want you to find out. I didn't want you to think I was weak and useless. That's why I stay and clean after everyone else. That's why I always make the coffee perfect because if it isn't perfect, I have to start all over again. That's why I don't let you use the coffee machine because you mess it all up. You don't mean to and you don't notice but I do.'

'I would never think less of you because you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met.' He says. 'How often do you get these panic attacks?' I say trying not to push him too hard because I know how bad that can be.

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