Parenthood? ~ Part Two

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Ianto POV

Liz arrives at nine am sharp; she always liked to be punctual. Just like me. As she walks in, Jack greets her, and they begin having a conversation but then their voices become shushed. Jack looks at me almost as though he wanted to have a conversation with her that I couldn't hear. That is strange.

As I watch them talk, my thoughts go back to this morning. Ebony was so vulnerable, so scared. This morning, when she woke up, she had so many questions, where was her mum and when could she see her? Why was she here? And why did we have a dinosaur? Jack had to tell her that her mother had died in a car crash and she couldn't remember anything from last night because she hit her head. She just sat in my arms and cried. I didn't know what to do with her. I just sat cuddled her and let her cry it out. We tried to ask her questions like where her dad was, but she just cried more. My train of thought was broken, and I was glad it was, when Liz and Jack walked into the room.

'Ebony. This is Liz. She is a social worker and she is going to take you to a really nice home.' I say not wanting her to go but knowing that I... we couldn't keep her.

'I don't want to go. Please don't leave me.' She says whilst clinging on to my leg tighter.

'Ebony I know you really love it here, but you can't stay. I'm sure that Liz has a fabulous home for you to go to and you will be very happy there.' I say trying to detach her arms from my leg. She is determined I will give her that. Just like Jack. I see so much of him in her; it's strange it's almost like she was his daughter.

'I won't be happy ever again unless I am with you.' She screams and begins to cry. That last statement breaks my heart. Jack begins to take the social worker up to his office as he can see how distressed Ebony is getting. As I try to calm Ebony down, I take Ebony to Gwen so I can also talk to the social worker as well. I sit with them until I see Jack getting excited and decide that I need to know what is going on. Why would Jack be excited about sending Ebony anyway? I never knew he was that cruel. Clearly, he didn't want kids, so I didn't need to ask him because I got my answer. I don't think I have ever truly been angry at Jack not like this. I don't understand him anymore.

Jack POV

I greet Liz at the door, and we have a small conversation. I want to ask her something important but Ianto is too near and I need to talk to her about it first. Liz suggests we talk to Ebony before I can ask her up to my office. The conversation doesn't go very well with Ebony as she doesn't want to leave Ianto. I think she loves Ianto almost as much as I do. It breaks my heart when she says she will never be happy again unless she is with him. I see so much of myself in her. I don't know how I would live without Ianto and I fell for him pretty quickly. I imagine our life together. A house with a big tree in the back garden so Ebony can have a tree house. Maybe she could even have a brother or sister. Come on Jack, pull yourself together. I haven't even spoken to Ianto about kids at all. He has never mentioned it, so I guess, I just assumed that he didn't want any. And I don't even know if Liz would approve with our line of work. Now I know more than ever that I need to talk to Liz in need to know if this will work. I need to know if we have a shot at this. As Ianto tries to walk Ebony to Gwen I can see my chance so me and Liz head for my office. I see Ianto sit down with Ebony and realise that this is my chance to ask what I have wanted to ask since the social worker got here.

I begin to speak as we enter the office but make sure we are out of ear shot of Ianto 'Would it be possible for us to adopt her. I understand that our line of work is interesting and doesn't really suit a child but if she has chosen us. Is there any way that we could work?'

'Potentially, I would need to speak to reference and things like that.' Liz says with an eager smile on her face.

'I could get you those over the phone now.' I say getting far too excited at the possibility.

'You are keen, that is nice to see. It would be lovely. I can see how much she loves you and you haven't even known her a day. I need to call my boss and see what he says.' She says, her smile widening. Not that I realised it was possible.

'Is there no way she could stay here just for tonight?' I enquire.

'I would have to talk to some people, but I could probably get you temporary guardianship if we can prove that she is better here than the emergency placement I have set up for her. She could stay with her until we sort this whole thing out properly. I'm not saying it for definite, but I could try. I see how you are with her and she needs a good home. This could be her happy ending and it would be nice to see one of those. I don't get a lot of them in my line of work.'

I notice Ianto standing in the door. A look of shock is written on his face. He assumed that with Torchwood and me there was no way he was ever going to be a father. He gave up something he has wanted for a long time for me. I am fed up with Ianto making compromises to keep everyone else happy. Ianto deserves to be happy to and I quite like the idea of having a child.

'Ianto, why don't we?' I say not really knowing how he will react. I want him to like the idea, but we have never talked about it, so I actually don't know.

'But... Jack... I thought you never wanted to have kids.' Ianto says stuttering but I don't really know why and that is concerning me.

'I wasn't what I had planned for myself but... I told myself that I was never going to be in another relationship until I met you. You changed me for the better. So why throw away this perfect opportunity. I know you would be such a good dad. I've watched you with Mica and David. Even with the short time you have been with Ebony. I want to give you the life that you deserve, and it would be doing the world an injustice if you didn't become a father.'

Tears began running down Ianto's face. I think that it is a relief of relief because he thought that he would never get the life he once pictured because I wasn't how he had pictured his life and he had decided to make sacrifices to be with me but I wanted to give something back to him. He deserved this. He deserved to be happy after everything he has gone through.

'This is your chance to get our reward after all of your hard work and dedication not only to work but to me as well. Let me do something for you.' Jack says. Ianto slowly nods in agreement.

We both smile at each other and sat in unison. 'We are having a baby!'

The rest of the tea looks up in shock. This is going to take some explaining. 

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