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Ianto POV

'Hey what's your name?' I say smiling and picking the small child up in my arms.

'E-Ebony.' she says shaking. I can tell she is terrified. I mean I would be if I had just seen a weevil attack my mum.

I hold her tighter as I speak. 'Hello Ebony, I'm Ianto. It's nice to meet you. How old are you?'

'I'm five but I will be six next month.' She says, almost sounding proud. Then she turns to look back into the woods and starts shaking before asking me 'What... What was that thing?'

'It was some silly boy in some mask that was all. You don't need to be afraid.' I say almost trying to convince myself.

'Where my mummy?' She says as she turns to look at the ambulance.

'Mummy got scared when she saw the silly boys so tripped and hit her head, so she is over there in that ambulance.' I say pointing towards the ambulance. 'She is with my friend Owen. He's a doctor.'

'Will she be okay?' Ebony asks. I could see the tears form in her eyes.

'I'm sure she will be fine.' I said lying through my teeth, but I couldn't tell a five-year-old that her mother was probably going to die if she wasn't already dead.

Owen accompanies the ambulance to the hospital with Gwen so me, Jack and Tosh go back to the Hub in the SUV with Ebony. Normally I drive back from missions, but I can't if there is a child clinging to me at all costs. So, Jack has to drive which he isn't very pleased about. But that is just because he can't say stupid things to make me blush and nearly kill us all in a traffic accident. When we are about halfway home, Tosh gets a phone call from Owen. Her and Jack keep whispering in the front so I pull out my phone and text her because I assume, they don't want Ebony to know what is going on, but I would quite like to know. I know why they didn't want Ebony to know. Her mother just died. Those damn weevils. We don't understand why they have got so vicious lately. I don't know why they were so far from the city in the woods they normally only go out as far as they need to. I also don't understand why some women would be walking through the forest in the dark with a five year old. I have so many questions, but I know they will never get answered.

Jack POV

Usually, Ianto drives back after missions but this would have been difficult with a small child clinging to him. She really seemed to have taken to Ianto. It made me consider having kids with him. It's something I had thought about before but not always taken as seriously as maybe I should have. I knew that Torchwood would get in the way but what I also realised that being a father is something Ianto wanted so badly so why not try. She must have been exhausted because within minutes of being in the car she has already fallen asleep on top of Ianto. Then we get the dreaded phone call. I really don't want to have to tell this child that her mother is dead but if I don't then Ianto will and I don't want him to have to do that. As we arrive back at the hub, I open the door to let Ianto out and the sight I am hit with makes me almost well up and I finally realise that whatever happened he needs to be a parent. We need to be parents.

Ianto POV

When we arrived at the hub. Jack discussed the idea that we should retcon Ebony and tell her that her mother had been in a car accident. It just felt less traumatising and tell her that her mother got mauled by a weevil in front of her. I said we should tell her that she doesn't remember because she hit her head. We all agreed that it would be best. Jack went to get a coke and I slowly woke Ebony up and told her to drink the coke and then she could sleep. I don't think she actually remembers the accident because she didn't seem too concerned; however when Owen checked her out in the field he thought he might have a concussion from being launched into a tree so that could explain she wanted to sleep and her lack of concern about who we are and where her mummy is. But she didn't want to be left alone and I needed to call social services with Jack so left her with Tosh. When I reach the office, Jack is on the phone to Liz, a social worker he knows about Torchwood. Well she doesn't know everything, but she understands a little of what we do. We needed a social worker in place, and it was easier if we just had one who we could trust and that knew about us. Liz offered to come and pick Ebony up now we needed her to but if she was safe then she would come in the morning because she was over the other side of Cardiff dealing with another case. Jack suggested leaving it until the morning so that we could watch her whilst the retcon worked. Somehow, he managed to mention that Ebony has taken a liking to me. Now I'm confused why he would point that out. Was he trying to hint at something? Then my thoughts were interrupted by Ebony screaming my name and screaming about not going to sleep unless I was there because she didn't trust anybody else. She wouldn't even let Tosh come that near her. Tosh was trying her best, but she just kept asking for me. As I made my way down the stairs Ebony sprinted into my arms and wouldn't let go. Tosh apologized and I said I was fine because it wasn't her fault. Not that it was Ebony's either because I mean she is perfect. She eventually fell asleep on me, which wasn't ideal but at least she was asleep. It was quite nice feeling her against me. It was something unusual. It was almost a paternal feeling which is something I have never experienced before. I thought about being a dad but that all went out of the picture when Jack walked in and I would much rather have Jack in my life than being a parent. I mean he has never really mentioned his daughter. I know he has one, but I don't think he has told anybody else. I think he finds it hard to have people close to him because he knows that one day, they will all leave him. I think I might have gotten him to open up a bit though. Maybe he likes the idea of having children. I want to know if he does but well... I guess I have never admitted it, but I would love to be a dad and have Jack if that is even possible. It would be fun and exciting and magical and special. So maybe I will ask him. But I need to get Ebony to sleep without clutching onto me first. I just sit there and think about her eyes. They reminded me of Jack's. They are that perfect ocean blue colour. Then I begin to stare at her golden hair. It is so beautiful. That is one thing I would love about having a daughter, all of the dresses and the hair bows and everything. I know Jack would hate it. Not necessarily having a girl but all of the cute things like dress shopping and ribbons and stuff. I could see him teaching her how to hold her own though and when she came home with boyfriends, I'm sure he would interrogate them and almost certainly put the fear of Captain Jack Harkness in them. We would be a perfect little family. The Harkness-Jones family that has a nice ring to it. We could have a house, even a dog and a big tree so me and Jack could build Ebony a treehouse to play in. Maybe she could even have brothers and sisters. I always like the idea of having more than one kid. I remember the fun times I had with my sister when we were alone together because my parents were busy. All of a sudden, I realise I have built this life inside my head. Almost a picture of what mine and Jack's life would look like with Ebony in it. I haven't even spoken to him about any of it. I don't know how he will take it.

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