Just Because It Has Been Rewritten Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen

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Martha was being very calm and collected until she saw Gwen walk across the Hub. 'Jack why the hell is she still working here. Do you know how much torture she put not only you through but Ianto as well?'

'I know I was there.' Jack deadpans.

Martha now has guilt strewn all over her face. 'I'm sorry. You know what I mean. She gave you up to that monster how can you still work around her.'

'It didn't happen in this time; she never did any of those things.'

'The only reason she hasn't done them in this timeline because she hasn't had the opportunity to have you and Ianto rape on multiple occasions. Then you had to watch him die. I see how you look at them both when they are together, and you can't hear what they are saying or when Gwen takes a phone call and you go down so you can listen. I understand why you are paranoid. I really do but this level of paranoia isn't good for anyone.'

Jack could no longer look Martha in the eye 'I know but I can't just sack her for something she did in an aborted timeline.'

'I bet if I asked Toshiko and Owen, they would agree with me that she puts the team in danger and that she needs to be gone. Why haven't you told them about her betrayal?' Jack just stares at his feet. 'They don't know do they. They don't know any of it. Do any of them know any of it?'

'How do I tell them that I died every day, sometimes twice a day? How do I tell them that I got raped over twenty times? How to explain that to people who are supposed to think of me as the strong person? I am the person my team leans on if they need support. How are they supposed to do that if they know about that?

'Jack, I understand why you don't want to tell them the whole story, but you need to tell them some of it. And there is one person who you need to tell all of it to.'

'I can't tell him. Then he will hate me. Then he will think I am damaged goods and I don't want that. I love him too much.' Jack suddenly stopped and realised what he had just said. He didn't really mean to say it, but that almost meant that the words are truer. I didn't think about it, the words almost just tumbled out of this mouth. Both of them stood there stunned for a moment in silence which was broken when Ianto burst through the door and ran over to Jack and embraced him.

'Jack what's wrong?'

'Jack you need to explain to somebody I can't care who it is, but I think it should be Ianto.'

'What's going on?'

'Ianto, Jack needs to tell you something so I'm going to go but if you need me here is my mobile phone number.'

'Okay.' Martha then exits out of the hub entirely. Ianto just sits there holding Jack for a few more moments. 'Jack, what do you need to explain to me? Is it what happened when you were away?' Jack slowly nods. 'Jack look at me. You can tell me anything. You know you can trust me. Don't you?'

'Yes, but it's just hard.'

'Why don't I start off with what I think happened and then you can correct me and fill in the gaps?' Jack just sits there so Ianto continues. 'You were with The Doctor and Martha and you were gone for a lot longer than three months weren't you. I think somebody held you captive. I also think they tortured you. Not just physically but mentally. Was it somebody who knew you could come back to life? How am I doing so far?'

'Pretty well actually.'

'I also think that they abused you that year not just physically but... s-sexually.' And at that Jack broke down. His worst fears were confirmed Ianto knew. Ianto knew what happened. How could Ianto ever look at Jack the same again. How could Ianto be there as he broke down if he was so damaged.

'Why are you still here?'

'Because I will always be here. I guessed most of it after you had been back for three days. I have always known because I know you. I knew something was up from the moment you got back I just had to try and find out what it was. I still want to be with you and help you but only where you are ready.' So, they just stayed there hugging in Jack's office like nothing else in the world ever mattered.

Elsewhere Martha knows she needs to get the others to back her up in order to get Gwen gone and to allow Jack to be free once more. So, she asks Toshiko and Owen to meet her in the conference room but to not let anyone else see them going to meet her. They all meet up at the end of the day so Gwen will have gone home, and she can't walk in on them. They all sat down at the table. The silence was then broken by Owen. 'I assume that you didn't just call us there in secret to have your wicked way with me?'

'No, I didn't.' Owen could tell from her tone that this was a serious conversation. 'You guys know about Ianto and Jack's thing, don't you?' They both nod. Martha then proceeds to explain about Gwen's betrayal. Not giving the full details of Jack and Ianto torment but giving them enough of an idea so they would understand that something needed to be done about Gwen. 'Something needs to be done. Jack won't do anything because he says she wouldn't really do it, but she still did those things even if it was in an aborted timeline that doesn't mean she won't do them again.'

Tosh was the first to pipe up after the shocking revelation. 'She needs to be gone. I don't think I can look at her the same. I knew she was always jealous of Jack and Ianto's relationship, but I never knew she could take it this far.'

I agree with Tosh. It doesn't matter if it did happened but then it didn't cause of this stupid time reversal shit. She needs to be gone and taken care of now. I think if we all talk to Jack together then he might agree.'

'I think he might just.'

So, the three of them set out to Jack's office. Toshiko knocks on the door and enters first followed by Martha and then Owen. Jack on the wrong side of his desk with him in one chair and Ianto in another.

'What do you want?' Says Jack a little more harshly than he intends to.

Tosh stares at the ground not knowing what to say so Owen decides to speak. 'We need to talk to you about Gwen?'

'What do you know about Gwen?' Jack and Ianto both say in unison.

'I'm sorry Jack but I had to tell them. They needed to know what she did.'

'You had no right to tell them everything that happened that year.'

'We don't know everything that happened that year, we only know the basic details.'

'So, they don't know about?' Jack says looking at Martha.

'No, they only know that you were tortured and that it got a hell of a lot worse when you and Ianto were both tortured when Gwen you up.'

'Do you agree with me that she needs to leave and be retconned because Jack just won't see reason?'

'Yes.' Owen and Tosh say without a moment's hesitation.

'I can't imagine what the last two weeks have been like for you watching her pretending that nothing has happened.'

'I hated it, but I still can't retcon her because technically she hasn't done anything wrong.'

Ianto stood up and walked over to Tosh and Owen. 'Jack whether you like it or not she is getting retcon and a cover story. You are not arguing with me, you know for a fact that the three of us could do it by ourselves if we needed to so don't you dare argue with me.'

'Okay.' Came Jack's small reply.

Within three days, Gwen was living her new life with her fiancé in Aberdeen. She didn't have to live with her betrayal because to her it hasn't happened, and she knows nothing of it. To nearly everyone it hadn't happened, but they all had to live with the consequences. Just because it's been rewritten doesn't mean it didn't happen. 

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