Taking The Step

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'Tosh, you know Ianto very, well don't you?'

'I think I know him better than anybody else except you. Why? What's happened? Has something happened? What have you done? If you have hurt him, I won't be held responsible for my actions.'

'Nothing has happened. I haven't done anything and why would you assume I was in the wrong anyway. I haven't hurt him, and I would never hurt him. I'm also offended by the fact that you think I would help him. I just need to talk to you about something.'

'Okay. You are scaring me slightly but okay.'

'I need some advice. How do I explain to Ianto how I feel? I just can't seem to do it. And I don't want him to think that I'm not committed to this relationship because I really am.'

'Why don't you practice first?' Tosh suggests.

'I've tried that but it's not the same as actually talking to Ianto.'

Toshiko thinks back to a conversation she had with Ianto last week and suddenly it comes to her the idea that will make everything okay.

'Why don't you practice on him when he is asleep?'

'Wouldn't that be really really strange?'

'Jack you already watch him sleep; how much weirder can it get?'

'I see your point. Thanks for your help Toshiko.'

'You are always welcome.'

'Just don't tell Ianto about his little conversation, will you?' Jack says, looking more nervous than usual.

'I wouldn't Jack. I promise.' Toshiko says as she walks out of the room. 'But helping my best friends means I break all sorts of promises.' She mutters under her breath.

She ventured down to the archives to see Ianto and hopefully not be disturbed by any of the others.

'Ianto, have you got a minute?'

'For you Tosh of course. Do you want some more coffee?'

'No. I want to talk to you about the problem you came to me with last week.' Ianto nods showing that he remembers the conversation. 'I'm going to tell you something vague and you just have to trust me because I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you okay?'

'Tosh you are starting to scare me.'

'Tonight, when you and Jack have finished... whatever it is that you intend to do. Pretend to be asleep. And don't wake up no matter what Jack says until he has finished.'


'I can't tell you why but please do. I think you will be really happy with what you get to know and understand.'

'Okay. I will trust you, but it's better not be anything bad.'

'It isn't bad; It's lovely. Trust me.'

Later that night, after Ianto and Jack had finished, Ianto followed Tosh's instructions and just waited. Just waited. When finally, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a voice. 'Ianto are you awake?' There was a long pause. Ianto tried to not change anything about what he was doing that would alert Jack to his awakened state. 'I'll take that as a no then. I can't tell you this when you're awake because I'm not brave enough. So, I spoke to Tosh and she told me to try talking to you when you can't hear to see if I could say it this way. I will never be brave enough to tell you this I don't think because when I tell people I love them I mean it and then they always leave me not long afterwards and I don't want you to go. I don't think I can deal with you going. So, I'm just going to keep telling you everything in your sleep. Then I've told you, but I haven't really, so it means you aren't going to leave me.' Jack takes a long breath. 'Ianto, I want to genuinely thank you for being in my life. I'm not the perfect guy but I'm going to try my damn best because it's what you deserve and it's the least I could do. You don't know this, but you have given me so much hope for the future. I'm not completely sure why but you seem to be turning me into less of a pessimistic person. You might even be able to call me optimistic. I'm just happier with you and every time I wake up, I look forward to the day because I know you are going to be a part of it. Every time you say you love me; I fall deeper in love with you. Every day I look forward to waking up and falling asleep next to you. I especially love kissing you and those welsh vowels. You are the smartest, cutest, kindest and most honest man I have ever met and I'm so proud that you in your head might call me yours. I always call you that in my head, but I can't tell you because then you will leave. I want to share as many fun and normal experiences with you as possible. I don't care what we do as long as I am with you. I hope I can give you the amount of happiness you have given me. I still can't believe that a handsome man like you would go for somebody like me. I'm the luckiest person alive and I love you. I love you more than yesterday and that's how I feel every day. Hold my hand and I'll take you there somehow, someday, somewhere. Our love is forever. You don't need to promise me the moon and the stars. Just promise me you will stand under them with me forever. Cariad, it is a long time from here to the stars so let us travel the rest as one. Every time I see you, I'm more convinced we belong together. I'm not perfect, I'll annoy you, piss you off, say stupid things, then take it all back. But put that all aside and you'll never find a person who cares or loves you more than me. I'm sure you could go and find somebody else to build your dream life with because I know I can't give you what you want because I'm not good enough for you and I will never be good enough for you. But I still love you. And I will always want you if you still want me?' Jack almost waits for a response despite the fact that he believes Ianto to be asleep. It takes all of Ianto's might not to answer the man who he knows he loves but Ianto still thinks that Jack has more to say. So, he waits. 'Trust me when I say I love you because I will always mean it. Deep in my heart I love you and nothing and no one is ever going to change my love for you.'

After a few moments of silence, Jack then notices Ianto shaking. Jack turns Ianto over to see his tear streaked face. Jack embraces him. Whilst drawing soothing circles on his back. 'Did you have a nightmare again? It's okay. I'm here. I'm always going to be here.'

'Jack, I didn't have a nightmare.'

'Then why are you crying?'

'Because I heard you.'

'Oh... I... What... Ianto... I... Ianto I didn't mean to upset you. I just-'

But Ianto interrupted Jack before he could finish his sentence. 'These are happy tears, Jack.'

'Did you hear everything?'

'Yes, Cariad. I... I, Ianto Jones, love you more than you could ever know.'

'I will always love you too Ianto Jones.' And at that moment the couple had never been happier because they had finally been able to say it to each other. Face to face.

The next morning, they walked into the hub hand in hand, something which had never really happened before. All the team knew about Jack and Ianto but what the team also understood is that Ianto's a private person and doesn't go around making excessive public displays of affection very often so for Ianto this was a big step. Tosh sat at her workstation but the biggest grin on her face. When she came back from having lunch with Owen. She found a box of her favourite chocolates on her desk with a note written in Jack's fabulous cursive handwriting. Thanks for making me take the step - Jack.

Everyone in the Hub realised something that day, sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life but sometimes you have to tip toe, but you must always take the step. Always.

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