## . 001

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

I sat in front of my mirror staring into my reflection touching up my makeup. It's ten in the morning and my sister is forcing me to be ready before eleven so we can get to the arena before the lines get long. "Hurry up Eunji!" My sister Hyeju whines as she sinks her body down the side of my door. "I just need to change then we can go" I got up from my seat and changed into my outfit. My sister had my light stick and bag in hand eager to get me out the door and into the car.

Our mom drove us to the venue since I wasn't bothered of driving. My sister was on aux and blasted Ncts music through the speakers. I sat in the back still feeling tired from my lack of sleep. It's hard living in a house with a thirteen year old fangirl. We got outside and I was shocked to see people already sat covered in blankets and chatting amongst themselves. "Good thing we came early" I mumble before turning and saying goodbye to my mom.

We had sat and waited until 7pm. My back was aching and my butt was numb as hell but I guess it was worth it instead of being at the end of the huge line. Loud music played as we entered the arena fans where scrambled around running to the front of the barricades and their seats. Hyeju grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front jumping up and down waving her light stick.

The nctzens begin to chant only igniting our excitement even further. "I can't wait" my sister says followed by a high pitches squeal.

Loud music started to fill the arena as the concert intro played on the big screens making fans go crazy. The members walked onto the stage and started singing 'wakey wakey' as they danced. The concert continued and I was having an amazing time.

Haechan came over to our side of the stage and sat on the edge letting his legs dangle as he sang. He waved and glanced at all the fans in the area including me making my heart beat like mad.

He reached his hand out and I grabbed it as he sang. I held in my excitement and sang along with him to make sure I didn't look like a fool.
He let go and waved over a security guard before pointing at me and talking in his ear.

The security guard nods and looks to me and hands me a holographic nct127 lanyard which has the nct127 concert card attached to it.

I thanked him and looked up at Haechan giving him my biggest smile, he smiles back giving me a wink before getting up and dancing with the rest of the members.

Nct took a break to stand and talk to the fans thanking them for coming to the show and how great full they feel towards them. The security guard came up to me and told me to follow him.

He opened the barrier enough for me to get through and I followed him backstage where seven other girls where.

"Okay bring out the girls" I hear Johnny shout and I feel my heart beating out my chest as we get told to go on stage. I walk out with the girls and we go towards the members that selected us.

Haechan comes to me and we slightly bow before he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "So we never announced this but tonight we will be choosing a lucky fan to spend a month with all of us" mark spoke into the mic making the fans cheer.

"Yes, and we each selected a girl so now we must play a game of rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins decides on which lucky fan will be spending a month with us" haechan says and the crowd start to cheer louder.

They group begin the game, eliminating Johnny and taeyong first, I felt sorry for the unlucky fans but I also felt my excitement grow. The game continues and Haechan wins.

The boy turns to me and hugs me making me flustered but I laugh through it. I turn to the fans that lost and bow. The other girls congratulated me but I said sorry feeling bad for them.

"What's your name lucky fan?" Haechan asks and holds the mic to my mouth. "Jung Eunji" I say and smile showing off my pearly whites. "You're such a cutie" doyoung says making me giggle and blush. The fans aw at the interaction making me smile in embarrassment.

We where sent off stage after I introduced myself to the fans to let the boys carry on with the show. My cheeks where cramping due to the unstoppable smile that took over my small face.

I got to keep the lanyard and was taken back to my space next to my sister who hugs me and we start jumping about. "Your so lucky" my sister shouted and I giggled. "I know you must be jealous" I teased and she rolled her eyes while shoving my shoulder.

At the end of the show I was taken backstage to a private room where the nct manager stayed. "Well hello you must be the lucky fan" the manager says while shaking my hand. "Yes I'm jung eunji sir nice to meet you" I said and bowed. "Your so sweet nice to meet you too" he said with a smile as he took out a red notepad and a black ball pen.

"I don't want to rush you away but I am a busy man having to take care of eight boys" the older man joked making me giggle. "Can you just write down you're phone number, guardians number and address please, we just need this basic information for safety issues and to give to the van driver so we can collect you" he said handing the notepad and pen. I wrote the needed information before handing it back. "That's my moms number by the way" I said pointing to the phone number. "Okay that's great, have a safe trip home" he said giving me a warm smile which I returned. "Bye" we said before I was escorted out of the arena.


ik most of the readers find this creepy but that isn't my intentions, i simply just got inspo from a got7 fic i read in 2017

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ik most of the readers find this creepy but that isn't my intentions, i simply just got inspo from a got7 fic i read in 2017.

anyways go read my ongoing book adrenaline (haechan) 🫤

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