## . 007

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I was laying in bed unable to sleep so I listened to some music as I looked up to the ceiling. I look over to my desk where a sound of vibration rang around the room. I got up and walked over to my phone unlocking it and checking the message.

Haechan: hey!

Eunji: hey!

Haechan: did I wake you?

Eunji: no I was having trouble sleeping.

Haechan: what are you up to then?

Eunji: just listening to music.

Haechan: I can't sleep either Johnny is snoring to loud :|

Eunji: Johnny snoring?

Haechan: yep and I can't sleep.

Eunji: lol

Eunji: I have a question Haechan.

Haechan: ask away :)

Eunji: are we allowed to be talking to each other after shooting?

Haechan: no but I don't care.

Eunji: but what if you get into trouble!

Haechan: I wouldn't care as long as I can talk to you ;)

Eunji: your such a flirt haechan!

Haechan: you don't have to call me Haechan we aren't shooting.

Eunji: what do you want me to call you?

Haechan: my real name lol.

Eunji: oh I'm so dumb.

Haechan: no your not.

Eunji: hm

Haechan: 2 sec I hear someone walking around.
Read 1.05am

Haechan: I'm back!

Eunji: who was it?

Haechan: yuta he was getting snacks

Eunji: lol

Haechan: guess what!

Eunji: what?

I sigh seeing he hasn't replied and put my phone back down on my desk before sitting on my bed and picking up a book to read.

10 minutes later

I heard my phone vibrate again and I got up and checked my phone with a smile.

Haechan: look outside!

My eyes widen and my smile dropped as I put my phone back down and move my thin curtain out the way before opening my window and looking down where I see a smiling donghyuck at the end of my drive way with a plastic bag.

I keep myself from smiling and shake my head before whispering.
"What the hell are you doing!" I whisper yell to him and he shrugs before smiling wider.
I shook my head again and closed my window a before walking out my room still hearing my sister in the shower.

I take this chance and quickly run to the front door and take the keys to open the door. donghyuck smiles at me as I grab his arm and pull him in.

He takes off his shoes and I cover them with mine before I grab his wrist and quietly run up the stairs. I peek into my moms room making sure she is still asleep before running into my room down the hall.

I close the door and let out a sigh before I walk over to the bed with donghyuck and watch him open the plastic bag. "Why did you come here you know how much trouble you will be in!" I scold making him chuckle and shrug.

"I don't mind, anyways hearing Johnny snoring really annoyed me" he rolled his eyes and pulled out a bag of chips and slowly opening them without creating a lot of noise.

The shower turns off and I look at donghyuck with wide eyes making him stop eating. Light footsteps pass by my door and I hear them fade away followed by the closing of a bedroom door.

I sigh and donghyuck begins eating again. "So what would you like" donghyuck says pointing at the food in the bag.

I pull out a sugar waffle and open it to take a bite. We sit and listen to the music as we eat the food.

I hear my sisters door open again and her walking out. "Shit" I say under my breath as I realise what's away to happen. The handle to my door turns and my sister peaks her head in.

"I'm away to leave for work, hi Haechan" I look at her in shock and so does donghyuck before he waves at her and she laughs.

"How did you know?" I ask still a bit shocked. "I heard you running with someone else to your room and who else would it of been?" She smirked. "Could have been a friend of mine!" I say and she shook her head. "Last time you talked to a friend was your graduation silly" I pout and she chuckles. "I best be going before I'm late see you later" she says before leaving.

I look at donghyuck who is smiling and I roll my eyes before looking at my phone. I see donghyuck picking up the plastic bag and putting it on the bed before sitting back down.

I looked up for a second before I move across him to sit against my pillows and playing on my phone as he watches me.

He gets up and looks around my room at the multiple band posters mostly of nct and monsta x.

"You came to our meet and greet last year?" He asks looking at me with a smile and I nod. "I think I remember you, did you have pink hair?" I gasp and he chuckles. "Wait how do you remember me?" He shrugs and looks at me.

"Because you had the brightest smile but you where so shy and when I complimented your hair your face turned red" I hit my forehead with my hand and he laughs again.

He moves over to my desk and looks at my laptop before picking it up and walking over to me making me move over a bit so I was against the wall.

He sat next to me and placed the laptop on his lap and opened the laptop to the display screen of me and my sister sitting next to my dad as he read us a book.

"Is that your dad?" He asked looked at me and I nod. "He died when I was fifteen in a car crash" his jaw drops. "I-I uh I" he scratches the back of his neck and I nod. "It's fine you didn't know" he nodded and he looked back at my laptop and searched up Netflix before signing into his account.

"What should we watch" he asks and I skim through the choices before picking one and showing him my choice. He hums while  pressing play and we begin watching the movie.

I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist making me feel safe. I felt my eyes slowly close, sleep getting the best of me.

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