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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I woke up to the sound of rustling, talking and moving. I was confused of what it was until I opened my eyes and seen no one in the bed in front of me.

Panicked I got out of bed and grabbed clothes and my shower kit thinking I had woken up late. I shower and dry myself before putting my hair in a towel turban and started my makeup.

I did the usual concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, under eye glitter, mascara, blush, lipstick and highlighter before taking out my hair and drying it. I turned on my straighteners and straightening my hair.

Once I was done I got changed into proper clothing before rushing back to the room and putting my things away.

I rushed downstairs tripping a dozen times before making it to the bottom. I smelt food in the dining room to I went in and was shocked to see the boys at their seats and freshly cooked food in front of them.

"Happy birthday Eunji!" They all shout and my jaw drops making me cover my mouth. "Oh my thank you!" I bow and they get up to hug me.

We sit down and I am given a plastic birthday tiara to where. We begin to eat my favourite which is waffles with a side of bacon and eggs.

"How did you know my favourite meal?" I asked wiping the left over food that didn't make it into my mouth with a paper towel.

"Simple we called your sister!" Jungwoo says and I nod giggling. "She must have been surprised" they nod. "She freaked out when she heard jungwoo's voice" Taeil said making me giggle. "That's Jiyeon for you" we laugh and start cleaning up the dishes. I offered to help but they all said that since it's my birthday I don't have to do anything except relax.

They took me to the living room and sat me down on the carpet in front of the tv before running off and standing behind the wall.

"Close your eye Eunji" I heard doyoung say and I nod closing them tight.  I heard them all walk in and place things at each side of me making me feel excited. "Okay open" I heard donghyuck say and I open my eyes before looking around at the places gifts.

"Oh my god! You didn't have to" I say and they chuckle. "Your turning 20 we had to!" Taeyong said and I nodded still smiling at them.

"Open open open!" Yuta said while clapping his hands. I looked at the gifts and picked up the pink gift bag with pink tissue covering the gift. "From doyoung happy birthday" I read the tag aloud before taking out the tissue paper and looking inside.

I look at doyoung shocked before pulling out the same black laced dress from H&M. "Doyoung! This is the dress I wanted thank you so much I love it" I say and I show the dress to the camera before putting it back in the bag.

I put the bag in front of me and smiled feeling appreciated.

"What one next" I ask while wiggling my fingers over the gifts. "My one the purple wrapping paper" Taeyong says and I nod taking out the purple wrapped box.

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