## . 017

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I arrived with nct127 to the after party venue that was being held in a club.

We get taken to a vip room until the guests arrive. I sit and wait until I heard the door opening and the familiar voice is heard.

"Thank you sir" I hear my sister say and I get up dashing to the door engulfing her in the tightest hug I've ever gave her.

"Eunji I'm so proud of you" she says swaying me side to side. I let go and she cups my cheeks smiling at me.

She lets go and I move to the side letting her greet nct. Donghyuck comes forward and bows again.

"I guess you know" he chuckles nervously wrapping an arm around my waist and she smiles. "Of course and I'm so happy for you both"

"Uh donghyuck?" We turn and see taeyong with a phone in his hand. "What's wrong tae?" I say going to his side and looking on to his phone.

He pressed play and the same K-POP news lady starts to speak. "Welcome back to kpop news tonight's hottest trend it nct's Haechan is rumoured to be dating an nctzen" I look to donghyuck and he just smiles.

"Videos uploaded prove that the member is dating the lucky fan jung Eunji who was chosen to stay with them for a month, most fans are happy and congratulating the couple on all social platforms but some aren't taking the news so well, here's a clip that was sent to us just ten minutes ago" it cuts to donghyuck announcing the relationship that a fan had recorded.

"Well I guess it's really out there now" Taeyong says and I chuckle. "Well I'm happy it's out" donghyuck says taking my hands and looking me in eyes. "Me too" I smile.

"Well I'm going to party now toodles!" Taeyong says and walks out making me laugh. "Let's part people!" Mark shouts and we all head out and into the club.

We where served free alcohol and I guess I took that as an advantage as I found myself drunk dancing with my sister.

"Are you drunk" she slurs and giggles. "Huh?" I say and she smiles shaking her head. "You are the best sister ever" she says pointing her index finger on my chest.

I laugh and pull her into a hug. I feel myself being dragged away and my sister lets go still dancing to the music.

"Jiyeon help!" I shout but she doesn't listen. "Calm down Eunji" I hear donghyuck say as he drags me to the table of 8.

I flop down on the seat and look around trying to figure out who it is.

"Hello?" I ask and I hear a few chuckles. "Eunji?" I hear donghyuck and I turn and smile before leaning against him.

"I know who you are" I say pointing to taeyong. "Your taeyong from nct" I slur and see him chuckle. "How much did you drink Eunji" donghyuck asks and I shrug.

"I think maybe. Two?" I say holding up two fingers. "More like two hundred" Yuta says and I look in his direction and laugh. "Yeah about what he said" the boys laugh and I feel my eyes getting heavy.

"Goodnight" I say before falling asleep.

3rd person

Eunji has fallen asleep of donghyucks shoulder making him smile at the girls drunkenness.

"I think we should head home it's getting late" donghyuck says and the members all agree. "I'll go find Jiyeon" Johnny says and makes his way put the booth and into the dance floor.

Johnny finds the drunk girl laying on the ground asleep. Johnny goes over to Jiyeon and tries shaking her awake.

"Hello?" She says waking from her slumber to face the boy crouching in front of her.

"It's me Johnny we're going to get you home" he says taking her upper arm and helping her up.

"Thank you where is Eunji?" She says walking with him back to the table. "She's with Haechan" Jiyeon nods and they go to the table.

The members of 1 2 7 stood up and donghyuck carried Eunji to the van and Johnny helped Jiyeon.

Eunji wouldn't wake up as she was completely exhausted due to her lack of sleep.

During the ride Eunji wouldn't stop clinging to donghyuck but donghyuck didn't seem to mind he found it adorable.

Once we got to the Jung residence Jiyeon got out the car fine and seemed to have sobered up a bit.

Jiyeon tried countless times to remove Eunji from donghyuck but failed. Eunji just didn't want to leave her boyfriend.

"You know what it's fine we can take Eunji and drop her off tomorrow" Mark says giving up and just wanting to go home to rest.

Jiyeon agreed and says goodbye and apologises for eunjis behaviour before wobbling into the house.

The members make it to the dorm and donghyuck carries Eunji in and places her on his single bed before getting his pyjamas and changed in the bathroom.

Johnny walks in and flops on his bed pulling the covers over his shoulder ignoring the sleeping girl on donghyucks bed.

Donghyuck walks in and moves the girl over a bit so he can get in. He lays the girl on his chest and pulls the covers up to her neck. Donghyuck smiles thinking of the situation he's in and pats the girls head.

Eunji lets out soft, quiet snores making Donghyuck tired himself. As he sleeps he dreams of his future with Eunji.

Day after

Eunji pov

I woke up to vibrations against my head as I hear the voices of donghyuck and Johnny.

She opens her eyes and winces in pain due to the sunlight and hides her face.

"I'll give you a moment" I hear Johnny say followed by his footsteps and the door opening and closing.

"Eunji?" He says and I look up squinting my eyes. He chuckles and pulls the duvet over their heads making it a little bit darker so Eunji is able to open her eyes.

I look in the eyes of my boyfriend and he smiles "did you sleep well?" He says with a soft voice. "I was very comfortable" I say smiling.

"You look so cute when you sleep" he says making me blush and hide my face in his chest. "Ji?" He says and I look up again.

"Yes" I ask still smiling.

"I love you" he says and a light pink ring goes to his cheeks making me giggle.

"I love you too" I say brushing my thumb on his cheek feeling it's warmth.

I move up closer to his face with my elbows and peck his nose before giggling. "You missed my lips" he says and lightly squeezes my cheeks making me giggle.

I smile feeling that flower of happiness bloom in my heart that I haven't felt in a long time. Like a missing piece of a puzzle that I've been looking for this whole time.

The end

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