## . 003

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -The van stopped and I got out before following their manager inside. As we walked he talked to me about 127s upcoming trip to Brooklyn.

"The boys are really excited about seeing you again" he chuckled and I giggled feeling heat rush to my cheeks.

We got to the door letting him enter first.  As I entered the room I seen the members stretching and warming up while others decided to stop for a chat. As they heard my quiet footsteps their eyes landed directly on me.

"Eunji!" They all greet as the crowd around me. I let a laugh escape my lips before politely bowing to show my respect. "Hello" I smiled to them, which they returned effortlessly.

"Nice to see you again" jaehyun said and gave me a high five. I smiled even wider now showing my small white teeth like usual. yuta awed and pinched my cheek making me blush feeling embarrassed again.

They laugh at my embarrassed state that I tried to hide behind my hands. "Ready to watch our practice" jungwoo asked. I smiled with a nod and took my seat on a black plastic seat.

They stand in front of the mirror in their positions waiting for a staff member to click play. Superhuman blasts through the speakers as the members get ready for their cue.

They perform the routine while I sang along enjoying myself. Once the group stopped I clapped and praise them of their good work.
"Do you want to learn the dance?" Mark asks and I nod before getting up from my seat and walking over.

The boys stand to the side except Haechan who nervously laughs. He stands closer to me before explaining and demonstrating the moves. I managed to learn it after a while of falling over and stumbling. We practiced the dance one more time. The one part I always struggle at came up and I tripped causing haechan to hold me, keeping me steady.

"Cute~" jungwoo and doyoung say and the rest laughed at the scene in front unfolding in front of them.

Haechan let go and awkwardly rubbed his wrist before clearing his throat. "W-why don't we try one last time" haechan asked shrugging. I nodded and got ready.

"Ok LETS GET IT!" Taeyong shouts pressing the play button. we danced through the chorus of superhuman without me messing up the steps making me feel proud and excited but I had to keep it bottled up and concentrate.

At the end of the Choreo I fell to my knees and threw my hands to the air in victory. "Finally!" I shout making haechan giggle. "Well done" he gave me a high five before pulling me up.

"Here's a victory water" taeil said getting on one knee and handing me the plastic bottle. "Thank you" I giggle and open the cap taking long sips of the cold water.

"We should try it all together" jaehyun suggested as I handed him my half finished water bottle. "Sure" I said and watched jaehyun put my water next to the chair.

We all got in position, I was behind haechan getting ready for the music to begin. I followed all the moves that haechan taught me, I had little mistakes but it didn't matter.

The music stopped and I took deep breaths. "Well done" yuta said giving me a high five. "You where great" haechan praised and gave me a high five as well.  

I sat in a circle with the group as we calmed our racing hearts."You are such a good dancer" taeyong said making me giggle. "I like to learn dances and play random dance with my sister" they all nod taking in the information. "Can we order food" yuta said and the members agreed.

Their manager left to go down to the chicken shop around the corner to buy our food. Their manager placed the bag on the table and we got up and took out food placing it on the floor as well as our drinks.

One of the staff came back with paper plates and handed it to each of us. I sat next to Johnny and jungwoo. Jungwoo passed me chopsticks and I thanked him before breaking them apart and grabbing some of the noodles and putting them on my plate.

"Have you enjoyed hanging out with us so far?" Yuta asked putting some rice in his mouth. I swallow the remaining noodles that was left in my mouth before answering. "It's been great, I liked bragging to my sister last night about lotte world" they all laughed and I smiled.

"Who is your sisters bias?" Jaehyun asks and I laugh and look at jungwoo. "She likes jungwoo because she said he's cute" I say purposely trying to make my sister embarrassed.

Jungwoo smiles. "What is her name?" Jungwoo asks. "Jiyeon and she's 23" he nods and puts down his plate before looking at the camera and starts doing aegyo. "Saranghae jiyeon noona I hope to meet you soon" he says doing aegyo making us laugh as well as the staff. He picks up his plate and starts eating his food again.

"Who's your bias?" Jaehyun asks me raising his eyebrow. My face heats up not wanting to say but they keep asking me to. "H-Haechan" I hide my face and fall on my back laughing in embarrassment as he was in front of me.

Haechan freezes before putting down his plate. When I sit up he smiles and cups his face. "Saranghae Eunji-ah I'm glad I am your bias" I feel my face getting redder as he carries on the aegyo making me cringe a bit.

Everyone was laughing and cringing at him. He stopped his aegyo and began stuffing his face trying to hide his embarrassment. As we finish the food we talk for a bit before it was my time to leave.

I stood up "bye thank you for today and the meal" I said dusting off my knees. "Bye eunji im glad you like today" haechan said helping the staff clean up. "Bye" the rest of the members said as they gave me a group hug before I walked out the practice room.

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