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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I woke up early around nine in the morning and tip toed to the bathroom where I washed my face and applied some natural makeup. I went back to the room to get my clothes and hair straighteners. I changed in the bathroom and started straightening my hair.

I checked the time on my phone and seen it has been half an hour since I woke up. I added a necklace and a circle ring for accessories before picking up my stuff and walking back to the room.

I made my bed and sprayed some perfume before walking down to the living room and turning on the tv with the volume low so I won't wake up the boys.

The doorbell rang so I got up and answered the door. "Hello" I say to the camera crew. "Hello are the members awake yet?" The woman asks and I shake my head no. "Not that I know of but I will check" they nod and follow me up the stairs to the rooms.

I knock the first room door where doyoung, jungwoo, Taeil and mark where staying and waited for an answer. "Hello" marks head peaks out the door and is surprised to see the camera crew.

"It's time to wake up!" I say and he nods. "Goodbye then" he says before sliding back in and I move to the next room where Johnny, yuta, taeyong and Jaehyun are staying.

I knock twice and wait for a response but nothing happens. I knock again and sigh putting my hand on the handle and opening it slightly peaking in.

I seen them all sleeping and taeyong starting to wake up. "Taeyong!" I whisper yell and he squints his eyes towards me and smiles. "Yes?" "It's time to wake up the camera crew are here" I whisper again and he nods. I close the door and go to me and donghyucks room. I open the door and walk in the cameraman following me.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" I say and pull open the curtains making him groan and cover his face. "Not right now ji!" He says with a raspy morning voice. I shake my head and walk over to him and pull down the bit of duvet that was covering his face.

"The cameras are here" I whisper and he looks past me to the cameraman and quickly hides his face.

I chuckle and shake my head again before getting my phone off the bed and walking out downstairs to the living room to turn off the tv and head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The camerawoman stands at the door and records me. I open the cabinets before turning to the camera laughing. "We have no food"

I look around more until I give up. "What do I do?" I whine. I run my hands through my hair before I walk past the camerawoman and run up the stairs to me and donghyucks room.

I knock twice incase he is changing. "Two seconds" he shouts and I sigh putting my back against the wall and pull out my phone and check the texts from my mom and sister.

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