## . 005

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I got dressed into something comfortable which was leggings and a hoodie before walking into the living room and checking my phone. I got a text from Haechan saying that they are waiting for my arrival.

"Ready?" Jiyeon asked and I nodded before we headed out to the car. I put the address Haechan sent me into the GPS. "Do you want to meet jungwoo?" I asked her and she nervously smiled and nodded.

"You can come in for a few minutes to meet them since the cameras won't be there" she nods and smiles like an idiot. We get in front of the dorm building and I text Haechan.

"Haechan's going to come and get us" she nods and as if on cue Haechan opens the door and we bow. "Hello this is my sister jiyeon" he bows and waves to jiyeon. "The boys are waiting!" Haechan says and I nod before he leads us  inside to the elevator up to the second floor.

Haechan hums and I giggle at jiyeons excitement.We walk into the apartment and take off our shoes. "Is Eunji here?" I hear taeyong shout before I hear multiple footsteps running before I get engulfed in a hug.

"Hi~" I say and giggle. They pull away and back up and that's when they see my sister and greet her. "Hello" they say and my sister has a blush visible on her face.

She bows and smiles tucking a stray hair from her face."Hello I am Eunji's sister Jiyeon" they all look to jungwoo and my sister laughs and hides her face. "I'm sorry about my sister making you do that" my sister says nudging me.

"It's okay don't apologise" they all chuckle and jungwoo comes forward and hugs her making her face redden even more. When jungwoo lets go he stands back and flashes her a finger heart. "Saranghae" he says before shouting and hiding behind yuta making us laugh.

My sister bows again and smiles."I have to go to work now please take care of my sister" they all bow and agree before saying bye and she left to her work.

"Auntie made us food!" Mark says and runs to the dinning table and sits down followed by the rest. I sit down next to Haechan and Jaehyun and bow to auntie.

"Thank you for the meal auntie" she bows aswell and smiles. "Eat well" she says before going to the kitchen and starts cleaning. "How old are you Eunji?" Taeyong asks. "19 but I'm 20 next week" they all look at each other in shock making me laugh.

"Do you want some soju?" Yuta asks and I nod.
"Do you know what we are doing next week" jungwoo asks and I shake my head. "First of all do you have a passport?" Jaehyun asks and I nod giggling.

"We are going to-" Johnny says and everyone starts singing New York making me laugh before I look at them in shock.

"Really?" I cover my gaped mouth and looked at them and they nodded.  "We are there for three days" doyoung says and i give them all a big smile showing my teeth. "Thank you for letting me come" they all laugh.

"Now enough talking I'm hungry" yuta said already taking some of the tteokbokki. We all start eating and drinking soju having a good time getting to know me more. Once the food was done auntie took the empty Bowles and washed them in the kitchen.

We went to the living room and Jaehyun started playing music and dancing with Johnny. I joined in dancing to the music jumping around and singing.

"Let's play beer pong" I say grabbing their attention "good idea" jaehyun shouts over the music while dancing with Johnny. Yuta and doyoung went to the kitchen and brought back plastic cups and beer bottles.

We filled the cups halfway with beer and got a ping pong ball. First it was me and Johnny vs taeyong and Jaehyun.

Johnny went first and completely missed the cups making everyone laugh and I give him a playful glare. Taeyong gets it in the cup closest to me so I take the ball out and hand it to Johnny before downing the half cup of beer.

They all cheer and we continue the game until our team end up losing. I sigh but high five Johnny before standing to the side and watch the other teams compete.

I start dancing and Johnny joins in. My phone pings and I look at the text which is from Lucas asking what I was doing so I sent him a video of me and Johnny dancing and yuta and doyoung playing beer pong. I put my phone away and the rest join in dancing with us.

Time past and now we are just sitting on the couch. Mark, Johnny and Jaehyun where all speaking in English confusing me as I only new a little.

"Speak slowly" I say and they laugh before speaking slower. "What. Is. Your. Favourite. Nct 127. Song?" Johnny says slowly and I process the words in my head before nodding.

"Ah~ my fabourite song is cherry bomb" I say and they clap. Jaehyun plays cherry bomb on the speakers and I sang along with them. My phone pings and it's a message from my sister telling me she is going to pick me up.

I look at the time and gasp. "It's 2am already!" I shout and they look at me in shock before we all burst out laughing. "My sister is here to pick me up" I say with a sigh before getting up the members that weren't asleep escorted me to the door and waited for me to put on my shoes.

I tied my shoe laces and give them a hug before saying goodbye and walking out the house to my sisters car. I get in the passenger seat and giggle jiyeon gives me a weird look.

"Are you drunk?" I shrug and giggle again. "Maybe a bit but I feel FiNe~" I say and she laugh shaking her head before we go home.

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