## . 006

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

              -I wake up in the morning and feel a small headache making me groan. I get up and take some medicine before getting ready. I wore denim shorts with a white money baggy T-shirt which I tucked into my shorts before adding a black belt. I did my makeup and hair and waited in the living room for their van to show up.

My doorbell rings so I answer it. "Surprise!" Lucas says before pulling me into a hug making me laugh. I wave to the camera before putting my shoes on and leaving with Lucas, ten, Kun and jungwoo.

"Why am I with you today?" I ask ten and he smiles. "127 is busy with practice except from jungwoo since it's his day off" ten days and I nod. "Let's get ice cream" kun says and leads us into the ice cream shop and looks at the ice cream flavours.

"What one do you want?" Jungwoo asks and I hum before pointing at the cookie dough ice cream. he nods before ordering it as well as his own.

He pays for it and hands me my ice cream. "Did you pay that with the money on your shirt?!" Lucas asks laughing at his statement and I laugh to. I link my arms with Lucas as we walk around a park eating our ice cream.

"Let's go here" kun says "ooo an outdoor gym let's get ripped" ten says before him and jungwoo run off to the gym equipment. Me, Lucas and kun laugh as we watch the cameraman run after them.

I finish my ice cream and reach my hands onto the pull up bar and try pull myself up. I feel someone pick me up and lift my head over the bar. "Argh" I say pretending to do pull ups while ten lifts me up.

He puts me down then holds his hands on the bar and jungwoo goes behind him and lifts his legs and I fall to my knees laughing. Jungwoo and ten swap and I laugh even more.

We use all the gym equipment until other people come and use them so we leave. We go back to the SM and go to the practice room where 127 are busy practicing.

"Hello~" we say as we enter the room. "Eunji!" Haechan shouts and gets up before running over and hugging me. "Ah your sweaty" I say and lightly push him off me while he laughs.

All of them get up and give me suspicious looks. I shake my head before running away and standing next to a wall where I'm picked up and put in the middle of them and they give me a big group hug making me groan.

"You are all sweaty" I whine and they laugh. They let go and I curl into a ball as I whine. "Sweaty sweaty boys" I repeat and they laugh. I sit normally leaning on my hands and they follow sitting with me.

"How was your day?" Taeil asked. "It's was great. I was surprised to see them at the door. We went to the ice cream shop and I got cookie dough ice cream then we went to this outside gym place and played on the equipment and now we are here"

They all nod. "Boys get back to practice" their manager said and Johnny silently mocks him making me laugh. "Good luck practicing" I say before getting up with Lucas, kun, ten and jungwoo and walking out.

"Let's go to the SM cafe!" Jungwoo says. "Yeah I want a nct cake" kun said. I walk to the cafe with my arm linked with jungwoo as we discuss our orders.

I looked at all the sweet treats that where in the display case and point at the red velvet cupcake.

"Can I have the red velvet cupcake and a vanilla latte please" I ask the waitress and she nods typing the amounts into the cash register.
I give her the money and she takes out the cupcake before putting it on a plate before making my latte.

The boys ordered theirs and we sat at a table next to the window. I bite into the cupcake and hummed in satisfaction. "This is so good!" I say and take another bite before putting it back on the plate and taking a sip of my latte.

"You've got some" Lucas says pointing to my lips and I try to get it with the napkin but he shakes his head and reaches over the table before wiping it off the side of my lips.

My cheeks felt warm and I hid my face from embarrassment. "OMO Lucas oppa!" I hear a girl with a high pitch voice say. Lucas looks over and smiles to them. They walk over and bows.

"C-can we get a picture?" The shorter girl asks and they all stand up next to the girls and she hands me her phone. I snap a picture before handing her the phone.

"Have a nice day!" Lucas says and the girls giggle and wave before going to the counter for food. "Sorry about that" Lucas says and I shake my head. "No no it's fine"

We stay in the cafe for a while until we where all finished. We walked to my house and I unlock the door before turning around and bowing.

"Thank you for today have a safe trip back" I say and smile. Jungwoo and Lucas pull me into a hug joined by kun and ten.

We let go and I open the door. "Bye Eunji~" they say and I wave as I watch them walk to the path. "Bu bye!" They smile and wave back before I get into my house and take off my shoes before going to the couch and taking a nap.

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