Chapter 6

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Corridor after corridor, we walked through the silent castle. Everything was peaceful. I had just started to relax. 

That is, until Dumbledore led me to the doors of a gigantic room filled with students who were sitting on four different wooden tables. 

The headmaster calmly walked in the room, his long, eccentric robes sweeping the floor. I lingered behind him, trying to compose a neutral expression. I was nervous for the first time in many years. Lifting my head high, I followed Dumbledore into the dining room. 

My first reflex was to look up, where, as I had read, the roof was magicked into resembling the night sky. It was breathtaking. Candles floated above students, distracting me from the heavy stares that were directed my way. 

Every head turned as I trailed behind the headmaster. I kept my gaze fixed to the front, very much aware that my clothes stuck out in a magical world. Even the teachers, seated on a stage at the front, couldn't help but stare critically. I managed to walk to the front without showing my panic. 

I spotted Luna seated at the Ravenclaw table and she gave me a reassuring smile. It was nice to know that she supported me.

"I apologise for interrupting this wonderful feast but something has happened which I had not predicted. We will be having one more student joining us. Miss Collins, would you please join me?"

I stiffly walked until I was beside him, facing a room full of suspicious or confused students.

"May I introduce Rose Collins, a muggle with special characteristics enabling her to see through our illusions. She will be studying with the students in the sixth year."

That simple phrase caused a wave of commotion to ripple through the room. Everyone had a comment or question. Especially the Slytherin table, who were known for their distaste of muggle-borns.

"Quiet down," said Dumbledore. And although he did not speak very loudly, the entire room went silent. "I hope you will help her adjust. Now, Professor McGonagall, please bring the sorting hat."

The witch gestured for me to sit down on a stool and lowered the old, pointy hat onto my head. My heart started beating faster once again.

"Oh, oh, oh!" exclaimed the hat. "What do we have here? Well you're a special one indeed. Where, oh where should I put you?" The hat paused and hummed.

The entire room was silent.

"The heart of a Gryffindor and the wits of a Ravenclaw."

The Gryffindor table seemed excited.

"And yet, you have the loyalty of a Hufflepuff."

The Slytherin table seemed relieved, but I had a bad feeling.

"But, my dear, that determination belongs to Slytherin. Slytherin!" cried out the hat.

Immediately, half of the Slytherin table got up, complaining loudly. Luna looked disappointed while Ginny and the rest of the Gryffindor table were stunned into silence. 

But the first one to be surprised was me. 

I had not expected that. Not at all. I looked at the Slytherin table, who had started sitting down once again. Who was I to complain? I was going to attend a school of magic. It could be a lot worse.

"Thank-you," I told the sorting hat.

"Not a problem, my dear. You'll do great," it responded before getting whisked away .

"Now that this is done," said the headmaster, clapping his hands and clearing the tables. "Have a good school year! Severus, please lead the way to this new Slytherin."

Dumbledore gave me one last smile before gliding off, instead leaving me with a thin man harbouring a large and hooked nose. His greasy black hair made his even darker eyes blend with his outfit. He smiled stiffly and gestured for me to follow.

"The Slytherins stay in the dungeons," recited the professor in a monotonous voice. "Meals are served in the dining room. Breakfast at 7:30 and your schedule will be given to you at that time."

"What about Quidditch, sir?" I asked carefully.

He stopped and turned towards me, surprised. "Quidditch? Surely you don't expect to be able to fly?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll have to try and find out, won't I?"

Severus studied me in silence, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"You're as determined as she was."  He frowned slightly. "I think... yes, you have certain similar features too."

A satisfied smile stretched his lips. "But you're a Slytherin, just like she should have been."

I nodded obediently, having no clue what he was talking about. Most likely a muggle-born girl he had fallen in love with. My curiosity wanted to know more but only one thing mattered, I had an advantage over him.

"Broom lessons aren't given to sixth years, I'll make sure Urquhart gives you private lessons."

"Thank-you, sir."

He nodded and smiled while a devilish light danced in my eyes. This was definitely going to be useful.

𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥?
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