Chapter 15

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If there is something the Slytherin house has in common, it is that we know how to make an entrance. Arm in arm with our partners, we walked into the great hall, just as Dumbledore was going to begin his speech. The other students were sitting down, giving them plenty of time to turn around and gawk at the newcomers. 

In other words, us. 

The headmaster did not seem bothered by this late interruption and smiled, amused. 

His speech was brief. "You are only young once, enjoy the night. Unfortunately for first, second and third years, you are only permitted to stay until twelve. Please stand."

We stood, a few students groaning, and he waved his wand, making the seats disappear.

"The winter ball has now begun!"

Slow music started playing, inviting the older students who knew how to waltz to come closer. I smiled and tugged Charles along until we stood in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by other students. The younger ones prefered to stand back, watching from the sidelines, but a few of them risked trying. I admired their courage.

"You know how to waltz, I hope?" smirked Urquhart.

"Count how many times I step on your toes."

He laughed and placed his hand on my waist. The music abruptly changed and we started dancing.

As much as I hated to admit it, Charles danced well. As well as I did. 

We twirled and spun to the beat of the music and I smiled brightly, my dress billowing out around me. It turns out that once you aren't in a classroom anymore, without any teacher scowling down at you, dancing was quite fun. 

I even managed to ignore the stares directed towards us. 

The feeling of my feet gliding on the floor, the delicate circles of dance patterns. I even found no discomfort with Charles' hand around my waist. When the music ended, we bowed to each other and laughed.

"I lost count of the amount of times you stepped on my foot," he teased.

I tried looking outraged. "How dare you! I barely ever skimmed it."

We stopped arguing as the music started once again.

"Looks like you're stuck with me for another dance," he said.

"Oh no, what a tragedy."

He placed his hand on the small of my back. "Try to keep up, I love this dance."

It turns out that for a guy with such an awkward walk, Charles was an agile dancer. Dancing with him 

The final note of a piano sounded and we seperated, sneaking off the dance floor in search of the refreshment table.

"Urquhart," said a voice. "Can I borrow your partner for a dance?"

We both turned around and faced Draco Malfoy in person. Charles glanced between us as if making sure we wouldn't jump to each other's throat and shrugged.

"Good with you?" he asked me.

I nodded. 

Draco and I studied each other in silence, each wondering exactly what we were going to do. The boy had his hair slicked back, giving him a distinguished look that was completed by his sobre dress robes. 

He sighed and offered me his arm. "Lets go, shall we? The dance is about to start."

Without a word, I allowed myself to link arms with him and let him guide me to the dancefloor. We stood at arms length apart, but were forced to come much closer to each other when the music echoed through the room. 

𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥?
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