Chapter 21

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The rest of the Christmas holidays were a blur. 

I was pleased to be able to relax, but I couldn't help the irritated feeling that weighed on my mind. Ever since our game of wizard chess, Draco has been ignoring me. He regretted saying so much, and it annoyed me. It annoyed me that he still thought he couldn't trust me. He avoided me in the hallways, always left the library as soon as I entered and turned his back on me when we were in the common room. 

Absolutely wonderful. 

Who was I to force him out of his solitude? Especially after I started noticing the perplexed but suspicious stares I received from both Crabbe and Goyle. Something had happened, and I wanted to know what. 

So as the school started swarming with students, I couldn't help but wear a frown for the next few days. Apart from the fact that I hated crowds, it also meant Malfoy had more opportunities to escape me. 

When I walked into potions on Monday afternoon, I didn't hesitate long. I smiled at Hermione, who had decided to pair up with Harry and Ron, and walked to the back of the classroom where, as usual, Draco sat alone. 

He looked up, quickly camouflaging his surprise with a frown. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting next to someone who knows what he is doing."

"Why don't you sit next to Potter then?" he growled, lowering his tone.

I raised my eyebrow. "What if I wanted to sit next to you?"

Without a word, he moved to the side, allowing me to slide next to him on the bench. Slughorn chose that moment to arrive, the classroom filling with his cheerful chatter. 

Apart from occasional corrections on the way I was doing things, Draco and I stayed silent, focusing solely on the task at hand. Potions required too much precision for either of us to strike up a conversation. Good marks were important for the both of us. 

At the end of class, Draco cleaned our workspace with a flick of his wand and left in a hurry, as if he did not want to give me time to speak. I frowned and slowly left the classroom.


I turned around just in time to receive a warm hug from Hermione. 

I admit I hadn't properly talked to her yet. I had spent breakfast and lunch break with Luna, gladly listening as she rambled on about the Quibbler's newest article. 

It was nice to have her back.

"Hello Hermione, how were your holidays?"

"Lovely! I spent time with my parents," she grinned.

"Um, Collins?" said Harry, gently resting his hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

I nodded, promising our bushy haired friend to catch up with her during our usual studying time at the library. 

When she left, Harry leaned against the wall, looking anxious. "Ron was poisoned during the holidays."

I crossed my arms over my chest, a bored look crossing my features. "Did he die?"


I sighed. "Why report something so dull?"

He rubbed his temples, trying to hide his amusement. "It was wine meant for Dumbledore, Collins. He's the target."

I immediately sobered up. "The necklace was also for him?"

Harry nodded gravely. "Malfoy's been disappearing off the map even more often. Collins, we have to do something."

𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥?
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