Chapter 27

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As soon as Draco and I walked into the common room at the end of the day, we were welcomed by gasps and stares, some filled with more distaste than others. 

Malfoy entirely ignored the stares, walking confidently through the room until he was sitting by the fireplace in his usual spot. 

I, on the other hand, had the most difficult time in the world following him, desperately wanting to run up to my room and lock myself in there. 

I hate attention, did I mention that? But of course, hiding was not an option. 

Instead, I glared at whoever stared too intensely and kept my head high.

Let me tell you, it is hard to sit elegantly when an entire room is gaping at you. 

I could hear the rumours running through the school from here. I held myself back from groaning and shot Draco a look, which he responded with an eye roll and a smirk. Wasn't this lovely?

"Malfoy, we need to talk," said Pansy, storming towards us, Blaise Zabini, a dark skinned boy, following close behind.

Draco lazily leaned back, draping his arm over the back of the couch.

"I'm listening," he said duly.

I pretended to be focused entirely on the book I had picked up at random. I was so silent, huddled up in the corner of a couch, that she overlooked my presence. 

Being silent had its advantages.

"What the hell is going on with you? The mudblood is messing with your mind," she hissed.

Draco straightened.

"Call her that again, Parkinson, and we're going to have a problem," he growled in a low voice.

Blaise ran a hand through his hand, Pansy too startled to utter a single word. "Listen, mate, I know you're going through some tough stuff..."

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly looking tired. "It's not that. Have you ever wondered why the hell Voldemort thinks muggles are disgraceful?"

Zabini blinked, confused. "They are inferior to us."

The silver haired boy tilted his head to the side, as if challenging the both of them. "Has Collins given you that impression?"

He rubbed his forehead in defeat. "I have to admit that she's rather.... Um, impressive?"

Parkinson smacked the back of his head.

"Watch yourself," she warned. "Remember what side you're on."

"What side are we on, Pansy?" asked Draco, raising an eyebrow. "Our parents' side, the 'pureblood' side?"

She turned to Blaise, exasperated. "Help me!"

The dark skinned boy pressed his lips together in a tight line.

"Don't you ever doubt, Pansy?" he murmured.

Her eyes widened.  "No! Why would I?"

"Our parents are scared," said Draco. The others reacted as if he was dropping a bomb on them. "Haven't you ever thought that their ideals may not be important?"

Pansy gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

"Quiet!" she hissed. I could actually hear the fear in her tone. "She's a muggle! A kind that is inferior to us purebloods!"

"You have to admit that she's strong," confessed Blaise. "Have you ever once felt superior to her? Not me. Maybe....maybe Draco's not entirely wrong."

"She may be a muggle," continued the silver haired boy. "But she's our muggle."

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling like mad.

"That's enough," snapped Pansy. "You're mad. I... Argh!"

She stormed off. 

Strangely, I felt no satisfaction at seeing her this way. She was still a teenager, she was lost, just like the rest of them. And it broke my heart.


The next morning, Draco and I were up before anyone even thought of getting out of bed on a Saturday morning. 

Before leaving the dorm, I had snuck a glance at Pansy, but her eyes remained stubbornly shut. I don't know if I had imagined her sniffling last night. 

I snuck out of the common room, making the least noise as possible. 

It's crazy how the most simple acts caused unnecessarily loud noises. Especially when you are trying to be quiet. 

I sighed loudly when exiting the common room and noticed a movement in the corner of my eye, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. 

Draco chuckled.

"Would you stop creeping up on me?" I hissed, pressing my hand to my chest.

"Sorry, darling," he smirked, not looking sorry the slightest.

He was dressed sharply, but with some sort of relaxed style that wasn't there before. Black pants and a white button up shirt with the last two left undone. He hadn't bothered to fix his hair, giving him a casual look. 

He looked...well, hot. But I wasn't going to admit that, wasn't I? 

We walked through the school, searching for the headmaster's office. 

Draco took his sweet time, instead of walking confidently as he usually would. Both hands stuffed in his pockets, he sighed, as if realising exactly how hard this was going to be. 

It was too late when he tried turning back.

"Hey," I said softly. "You got this."

He looked up, studying the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm ready."

I smiled and stood on the tip of my toes, not actually conscious of what I was doing. I kissed his cheek. His eyes widened, his lips parting as if he was trying to breathe properly.

"That was all I needed," he finally whispered.

"You're strong," I said, my lips still tingling.

He smiled. "Maybe I am."

"Toffee Eclairs," we both said, facing the doorway.

A stairwell appeared before us and I followed Draco up the stairs. He knocked on the headmaster's door. 

Neither of us were sure he was even awake, or there. But a kind voice answered us. We entered the office.

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