Chapter 34

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Summer had definitely arrived. It was in the fresh air and the bright rays of the rising sun, in the greenness of the grass and the calmness of the lake. 

The mountains' silhouette cut through the morning sky, guarding the castle. The feeling it awakened inside me nearly made me kick off my shoes and go for a swim in the lake. 

Rather than being swallowed by a squid or chased off by a few sirens, I smiled brightly, lifting my head to greet the sun as it peeked from behind the mountains. "Race you to the lake?" 

Draco grinned wickedly. "Game on, darling."

I took off running, my shoes slapping against the dirt and grass, quickly falling into a constant rhythm. My long hair bounced around my face as I threw my entire being into the run, leaving my worries behind. 

A burst of speed coursed through my aching legs as I decided that the tree by the lake was the perfect finish line. After a few long strides, I gasped, slowing my pace until I had stopped, turning to see Draco promptly collapse in the grass by the tree.

"Not fair," he wheezed. "You train."

I threw my head back and laughed, dropping by his side.  "Stalking me, darling?"

He smirked, running a hand through his hair.  "Maybe."

I let my gaze wander around us, taking in the beauty of Hogwarts and its surroundings. In the morning sun, even the Forbidden Forest seemed welcoming. 

A peaceful smile graced my lips. Draco laid down, folding his arms behind his head. "I've been told more than once to be careful around you. But the way you smile, how could I resist that?"

I bit my lip, fighting a smile as my heart beat picked up. I don't think it was from our race. "That was smooth."

He winked. "That's the point, darling."

I let myself lie down beside him, turning to observe his expression, trying to discern what was going on in his mind. Draco turned to face me, leaving us much closer than I had anticipated.

"Now you're just tempting me," he said in a husky tone.

If I would bring my hand up, his chest would be at my fingertips. The thought thrilled me.

"What if that's exactly what I want?" I breathed, conscient that I was playing with fire.

He leaned in closer, until he was nearly towering over me. Our gaze locked together, as if challenging each other to back down. He gently brought his hand up, tracing my jawline until his thumb was under my chin. My skin tingled, as if more sensitive under his touch. 

He had me hooked, I had played with fire and now expected to get burnt. I drowned in the steely colour of his eyes, which seemed more intense than it usually was. 

His eyes flickered down to my lips and grunted, as if letting go to whatever control he had. "Sorry, darling."

His lips touched mine, as soft as a breeze of wind, making me forget how to breathe and think rationally. My eyes fluttered shut, letting him press my body closer to his. 

He was doing something, he was causing a reaction, something that made him claim me as his own. I could never kiss another person without thinking of him and I had a feeling that it was exactly what he was trying to do. 

A fire had started in my belly, growing stronger every time his mouth moved against mine, starting from my lips and filling my entire being. When he moved back, I was breathing heavily. 

Draco fell on his back, draping an arm over his eyes."I should not have done that."

A pang of disappointment stabbed my guts and I looked away.

"Why?" I asked, keeping my voice steady.

He sighed. "Now that I've gotten a taste of you, I'm only going to want more."

My heart started beating again, a spark of hope overcoming the disappointment. 

I lifted myself on my elbow, defiance gleaming in my eyes. "Is that a bad thing?"

"I'm not good enough for you," he said. "I'm haughty, arrogant, selfish and connected to the dark side. I...."

I pressed my fingers to his lips, silencing him. "You keep forgetting that I'm as much of a mess as you are. I am confused and afraid for the people I love. I'm broken in my own way."

He chuckled half-heartedly, sitting up by my side. "Aren't we quite the pair."

I shrugged, smiling slightly. "Stronger together."

He grasped my shoulder, rotating me until we were face to face. "Let me get this clear. If I were to kiss you, in the middle of the great hall, in front of the whole school, would you be ashamed?"

At the simple thought, I blushed. I hated attention, and he knew it as much as I did. But I knew the answer to his question.

"Would I blush like mad? Of course. But ashamed?" I shook my head, laughing at his idiocy. "There is nothing to be ashamed of."

The shock on his face made me roll my eyes. This was the boy I thought of every time I entered a room, the boy that made me question his every movement, the cause of every emotion jumbled in my heart. 

I cupped his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his, trying to make him understand the words that I wasn't able to speak. The emotions that kept me awake at night flooded through my system and I did nothing to stop them. 

He smiled against my lips and when we pulled apart, kept his eyes closed, savouring the moment. 

I laughed softly, cheeks red, and kissed his forehead. "You're mine now."

A/N Well it's about time they get their feelings straight! Any thoughts people? 


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