Chapter 13

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The next morning, I was up before the sun decided to come out of hiding. 

I was nervous, thousands of tiny butterflies floating around in my stomach. The Hufflepuff were good, I will not say the contrary, but they weren't nearly as talented as the Ravenclaws. Their wits worried me more than the rashness of the Gryffindors. 

I brushed bits of dust off of my quidditch robes, feeling an unexplainable pride when seeing the snake embroidered on the green and silver fabric. I breathed deeply and grabbed the robe, getting ready for the match.

"Ready for the match, Collins?" asked Harry as I sat at the table in the dining hall.

Only a few students were present this early in the morning.

"Not hungry the slightest, that's for sure," I mumbled.

"Eat, that way you'll have something to throw up," he suggested.

"Thank you for the encouragement."

"How's my favourite chaser?"

I jumped, turning back and coming face to face with Charles. "Feeling less confident than you are."

Urquhart plopped down by my side, nodding towards Harry. "Potter."


"Looking forward to our match?" Charles continued.

"Absolutely," gritted Harry.

"You might pick up a trick or two."

"Really, Charles?" I asked sharply.

He pouted like a toddler, earning a smile from Harry and myself. All at once, students started pouring into the room, filling it with lively chatters. 

I got up, bothered by the presence of too many people at once.

"Ready?" I asked my captain, who nodded. "See you later, Potter."

Slipping past people as we went, I wondered whether or not I would end up emptying my stomach before the match. But as soon as I stepped onto the field, as soon as I kicked myself off of the ground and flew, the feeling dissolved. 

I barely heard the whistle as the quaffle was launched into the air. I stopped thinking. I spun left and right, dodging the bludgers that were knocked towards me.

"Slytherin grabs the quaffle, and passes it immediately!" cried the commentator.

I jumped upwards, grabbing the ball before plunging downwards, zipping back and forth until I had a clear shot.

"Ten points for Slytheirn!"

A Ravenclaw grabbed the quaffle, and zoomed towards our end of the pitch. She ran into me as I blocked her, making her lose control of the quaffle. Urquhart grabbed it and flew away, I followed closely behind, getting ready for his feint. At the last moment, the boy threw back the quaffle and I smacked in the largest hoop. 

Another ten points. 

The game went on, point after point, feint after feint, bruise after bruise. It hadn't taken long for the Ravenclaw beaters to focus their attention on me, leaving the others opened for a pass. Luckily, I was only hit twice. I could thank my reflexes for that.

Although I had to admit zooming between Ravenclaw chasers did help. 

A few of them cursed quite loudly when hit by their own beaters. A golden line zipped past me, distracting me enough to let a Ravenclaw chaser pass. It caught Malfoy's attention too, although the Ravenclaw chaser followed close behind. 

I truly wanted to watch their chase, but Urquhart shouted my name, forcing me to make a grab for the quaffle. Soon after, a whistle sounded, carried to us by the howling wind.

"240 points to 30, Slytherin wins the watch!"

The entire Slytherin house jumped to their feet cheering and shouting louder than the wind could ever roar. I smiled broadly and floated to the ground, nearly tackled as Charles threw his arms around me.

"Seventy points! You got us seventy points!" he exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

I laughed, playfully punching his shoulder and joining the rest of the team. I felt accepted, a warm feeling blossoming inside my chest. The boys rubbed the top of my head, laughing and shoving each other around.

"I don't know what kind of training you got her doing, Malfoy, but keep going!"

Draco smirked."With pleasure."

The team snickered and I rolled my eyes. "Nice catch, Draco."

His smirk widened. "I know."

I yelped in surprise as Charles and one of the beaters hoisted me on their shoulders.

"We've got some celebrating to do tonight, mates! I got myself a partner for the winter ball!" laughed Urquhart, leading the Slytherin crowd back into the dungeons.

I was in the spotlight, I was laughing along with a group of boys that sneered down at me barely three week ago.

 And it felt right. 

However, after an hour surrounded by a crowd of excited teenagers who talked too loudly for my liking, I needed some alone time. Luckily for me, I had discovered a small passage connecting the common room and a balcony. Thirty steps or so were a small price to pay in order to enjoy some quiet time. 

Unfortunately, someone had the same plans I did. Goodbye alone time.

"Bummer, I thought I would be able to enjoy some peace and quiet," I said, startling Malfoy.

"The silence was lovely until you came along," he snapped back.

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you would be less tense after the match."

"Darkness never leaves. Not that it's any of your business, muggle."

Oh, so we were back at square one, we're we? Lovely.

"You received a letter, didn't you?" I say distractedly, trying to seem uninterested.

He spun around, anger written on his face. "Get lost!"

I shook my head, knowing it was of no use to stay and chat. I turned around, hearing him breathe heavily. I suppose I could deal with Urquhart's endless boasting for another hour.

"Look up at the stars, Draco. Maybe one day you'll allow me to stay, but for now, they're the only friends you've got."

𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥?
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