What are they?

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My name is Eunbi. I live in the world with demons... for us it's normal, but there's this one demon...
There is different types and races of demons. Woaw it sounds like I am calling them animals😂 they are human thingy which is demons?? Lol.

There's the lower ranked demons which lives with us. They are nearly harmless. They're like animals for us. They're wild but like animals. They are a bit smaller than average human height which is probably 160-170 cm. (I'm not English so I don't know about feet lol) the lower ranked ones is About 120-140 cm. They have small wings and can fly.

Then we have the higher ranked ones. They live in our world as well. They don't live in city's. They're pretty rare as well. The most of them is living locked in a cave, because they can cause harm. They're pretty aggressive and can cause a lot of harm. In this world we have different dimensions. Humans don't live in the other dimensions. That's the place(s) we keep the other higher ranked demons. They can't get out of there. They can cause to much damage and harm.

Last but not Least we have the highest ranked demon. That demon is kept in hell. Nether. We can't keep that demon in other dimensions. It'll just break out some day. It'll make other demons escape as well. So the humans once upon a time got the highest ranked demon locked in hell to keep human mind safe.

No one have ever seen it. That's why we call it 'it' we don't actually know the gender, or I don't know. All I have heard is 'it'. Not any he or she.

The other demons find food themselves. They can find small animals like mouses, or that's the lowest ranked demons. To be honest I really don't know how they eat. I have never seen a demon eat before. There is food in the other dimensions as well. The ones we keep locked down is eating bigger animals. Not much but a little bigger. Well I don't care anyway

The demon in hell... that one only eats humans. You ask how I know it? I don't actually know... all I have heard is that it only eats humans. We have about in it in school. We learn about demons as we learn English in school. Like the history, the language. Yeah there is a demon language, but.... we can't learn it. Only demons can. I know that's weird.

The demon is in hell. We have to make sure it don't come up to our world and destroys everything. Humans keep it weak. All I have heard about it is that it's cruel, full of wrath, it's strong asf and all that stuff. Nothing good is coming out of humans mouth about that demon.

To be honest.... I think the demon sounds like the worst thing ever existed. I don't want to go down there and be a sacrifice for that monster. No one know how it looks like. We can't tell if it's taller and bigger than us or smaller? If it's stronger or weaker. I have just heard that it is strong as hell. 

I don't know more than that. I know that the myths say that the highest demon is bigger than us human but yeah I don't know.

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