Jealousy and leaving

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There was many people when we arrived, but I tried to ignore that. Actually I looked for Tae. He said he would be here as well. When I looked confused around I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped in shock. I heard a loud and dark voice. I turned around and saw Tae... "yah you scared the hell out of me you pabo" he started to laugh even harder. I couldn't help it but chuckle a little. Me and Tae laughed for a while. He's a funny guy I like him. I looked to my side and saw Hobi starring at me and Tae? He looked upset. Did I make him upset? There was another feeling in his expression but I couldn't really tell... "what's wrong?" He snapped into reality and looked at me. He shook his head and said: "ehmm nothing.... there's nothing wrong" he gave me a small smile and I smiled back like nothing happened.

"Let's Go?" I looked at my mom, Hobi and Tae. "Let's Go" my mom and Tae said. Hobi didn't say anything. What's wrong with him? I swear something is wrong. He never look so depressed and broken. I walked over to him and said/whispered: "I know something is wrong.... just say it" he looked at me like I was stupid. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion. Is it me or? He kept starring and finally he spoke. He sighed deep and said: "you don't know why??" He stopped up and looked annoyed at me. He raised his eyebrows. "It's because I like you! I'm jealous if you haven't noticed.... that's why Eunbi" my face softened. I didn't see that coming.

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off. "No.... don't say anything. You can be a perfect couple over there.... I know you love me.... you just won't admit it. You don't want to love me.... why?! Why is it so hard for you Eunbi?!" I looked after my mom and Taehyung but they were out of sight... I haven't no choice. "I.... I'm trying to...." I paused I didn't know what to say... "that's what I thought.... you don't have anything to say..... then..." he paused and I could see his eyes got watery. Seeing him like that makes my eyes watery as well. "Then... I don't think we should be friends anymore....... I'm sorry Eunbi. Everything is ruined anyway...." Tears started to flow down my cheeks. It wasn't because of Hoseok anymore... his words broke my heart into million of pieces. They were like knifes that cut deep in my heart. "N-no... that's n-not the solution" some tears escaped his eyes as well. He didn't answer instead he shook his head and turned around to leave.

I grabbed his arm and tried to stop him from walking away. "DONT Touch me!" He said while shoving my arm off of him. I was a crying mess. He started to walk. Then a memory popped in my head.... last time he did that.... I got an idea. "Remember last time.....? Please... don't do this..." I said in between my sobbing. He stopped and turned slowly around. My was lit a little up. I thought he would come back but.... "I remember.... I did a huge mistake by coming back last time" he took a hand through his hair and wiped his tears away and walked away.... it's all my fault.... there's no turning back... I fell on my knees and started to cry even more... he's right everything is ruined. He was my everything. What did I do... I started shaking again. I thought everything was going to start over from that day. I thought I would faint.

Instead I panicked. I didn't know where I was. Everything was spinning around me when I heard a voice. "Hey, are you okay?!" I looked up and saw an unfamiliar face. The guy looked worried at me. I didn't answer. I couldn't speak. I was a crying mess. My hands was shaking.

-Hoseok POV-

I walked down. I tried to stop my tears from falling. I knew Eunbi's mom had my name. I could just feel that it wasn't the right time to get it now... I felt a lot of things at the same time... jealousy, wrath, sadness, emptiness. So many feelings at the same time. I looked back but that was a mistake.... I saw another guy comforting her... I felt my rage growing bigger. I tried so hard not to go over to that guy and beat the hell out of him. I started to walk faster to get away from the situation.

When she was long time out of sight I heard a small shouting. "Hey Hoseok! Where's Eunbi?" I looked back I knew it was her mom... I sighed. I didn't want to meet her now. It was like meeting the devil... boy meets evil. She isn't evil. It it felt like it...

she came up to me and looked confused at me. "I don't know... where's my name? May I get?" I reached my hand forward and waited for her to give it to me. She looked even more confused it then gave it to me. "Thanks" I said slightly pissed. I took a last glance at her before leaving again. "Did you-" "don't say anything. she's not with me and won't be ever again" I left before she could say anything.

-Eunbi POV-

"Thank you... for helping" he helped me up and smiled. "No problem. By the way my name is Yoongi or Min Yoongi but just call me Yoongi or Suga" he smiled. I looke dat him confused. Suga? "Why Suga?" "That's my stage name.... I'm an underground rapper" ohh. "Oh now I understand" I chuckle din embarrassment. "Are you here to put your name in the bowel too?" "Yeah... actually yes but I can't find my mom... and... my best friend.... or my ex best friend if you will" I felt tears pressing on again but I was holding them back. "Oh that's why you were on the ground?" He asked me. I chuckled low and nodded. That was so embarrassing...

"It's okay I'm always here to help.... unless I'm sleeping" he giggled "no one shall wake me up when I'm sleeping" he grinned. Well I that's good to know... "do you wanna go with me or do you want to find your mom?" I thought for a second. "I just have to get my name but I don't think so else than that" he smiled at me. "Great. Do you want to borrow my phone to call your mom?" "Yeah sure" I smiled. He gave me my phone and I thanked.

I dialed my moms number. I took the phone to my ear and waited. Please pick up... "hello? Who's this?" Yes! "Ehmm hi... mom it's me Eunbi" then it hit me.... I have my own phone dumass... I facepalmed myself and do looked at Suga he looked at me confused "don't you have your own phone?" "Yeeea I forgot.... I borrowed a guy named Yooni's phone. I just wanted to know where you are..." I heard a sigh and chuckling. "I am at the presidents house now. Please meet me there and then I'll give it to you... btw what happened between you and Hoseok" I sighed... "I'll explain later okay mom? Byeee love you" I hung up before she said anything.

I gave the phone back and thanked him. "Thank you, but I remembered I had my own phone" I laughed awkwardly. "Haha it's okay. Where was your mom?" "She was at the presidents house. Wanna go with me?" His face lit up. I know that I just met him but still... he seems like a cool guy. "Yea sure... I am here as the same reason as well so" he laughed and took a hand through his hair. "Shall we?" "Yes sir" I laughed. He could be a good friend.

Wait.... I can't let anyone new in my life... I'm taking a risk of either break my own or his heart if one of us will get picked...

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