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I woke up and yawned. I felt so tired and my body felt like stone. My eyes and head hurt like shit. "What happened?" I asked myself. I looked around and saw a little note on the nightstand. It said: 'im sorry... please forgive. Call anytime if you need anything. I'll always be here, and you remember when I took your bracelet? Yeah... I saw that it was too tight on your wrist so I removed it. I simply just fixed it. I wanted to tell you that I was about to fix it but then you know... my demon inside me... yeah you know what happened and when I calmed down you left and didn't want to talk to me... when you wake up can you please call me? I wanna talk with you.


A little gasp left my mouth. That's why he took it.. guilt started to fill my body. I got mad at him for a mistake... oh god I made him feel sorry. Tears started to fill my eyes. "I did this...." I sighed and looked at the nightstand again... the bracelet was there. I took it an wore it. It fitted perfectly. Thank you demon... my heart started to beat faster when I read that he wanted to talk with me...

I went to the bathroom before calling him. A gasp left my mouth when I saw my eyes still that grayish color... will it ever disappear? A tear escaped my eye. I looked down and washed my face. It didn't help. I quietly sobbed for myself. I don't think it'll disappear. I'll probably die down here anyway. Either I'll die for something random or he'll kill me by accident. The risk is there...

I got out and sat on the bed. I took some deep breaths before calling him. He wanted to talk with me so I had no choice. "Okay Eunbi..." "J-Jungkook?" I called out. He was in my room seconds after. He smiled when he saw me, but it was more like a sad smile.

"Hi..." he sat down besides me. Why is this so awkward? "Hi" he said with  low voice. "You wanted to talk with me?" He nodded. "Yeah about that" he came closer and took my hand. I didn't do anything I just waited for him to speak. " I'm so sorry.." oh god no... don't be sorry.. "no it's not you... it's my fault" he scoffed and smiled again. "No it isn't. You know the thing with your eyes? What happened was that I was about to take your soul but stopped. You were weak. What you felt and heard was some kind of spirits" he sighed and continued. "They hurt you... they took a part of your soul that was what was hurting so much" I tilted my head. So half of my soul isn't inside me?

"I felt your hand on my forehead what was that?" "I could get them away from you. They could've killed you if I didn't" my eyes grew big. He saved my life... the devil himself saved my life... I thought he would've been the one killing me... "I'm sorry... I cause you so much trouble and problems... and making your life complicated and difficult..." I looked away but he took my chin and made me look at him. "Don't say that okay? I love your presence. Your company. As I said before; your different" I smiled. He took me into his warm embrace.

I didn't know demons could be this caring. He is a devil after all... I hugged him back. I started to cry. God I've cried much down here.. my life has been hell but at the same time very good... I don't know what to feel anymore... the devil is making my life uneasy.

He broke the hug and looked at me. "About your eyes. I don't think it'll ever go back to normal again... I'm sorry but I can't fix that" I looked into his full black eyes. He was fully calm. I learned one thing here... I can see his mood through his eyes. "Your weak Eunbi... it isn't safe for you to be here..." what? But I have no choice? A few weeks has past and I am this weak? I actually don't know how long I've been here... most days I've just avoided him.

"What do you mean?" "What I mean is your going to die down here" I looked down. It's true. I can't live here, but what can I do? Nothing. "I can try to hold your alive for as long as possible, but I can't promise you'll live for long" I nodded. "How can you hold me alive?" He smiled. His eyes became teary. Wait?! Can he cry? "I can give you some of my powers" my eyes went wide. "No! I'm not worth it.... and why do you want to keep a human alive down here?" A tear left his eyes. I wiped it away. "Your different. I can feel it. Your not just someone who come down here and then die... your something much more than that" I giggled for myself...

Am I that special? "Please let me do it..." "but what about you? What will happen with you then?" "I'll be fine don't worry about me" he said low. "But I do..." surprise filled his face. "You worry about me...?" His eyes frowned and he looked at me in disbelief. "Yes... I can't just make you suffer because of a simple huma-" "stop saying your just a human your not" he cupped my cheeks.

"I'll do it. You have no choice. I won't let you die. Not now. Not here"

"But what about when you devil inside... you know..." "I'll give you my wrath" he laughed a little. I hit him playfully. He stopped completely up. His eyes started to get red. Fuck...

Then his eyes went totally black again. "No!" He shouted. "Stop" he shouted again. It not looked like he was in pain. "I won't let it happen!" He kept going. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there and panicked a little. I saw him struggling with himself so I decided to do something. I hugged him. Tight. He stopped immediately. He calmed down and hugged me back. "Thank you..." he buried his face in my shoulder.

I broke the hug and looked at him. "What happened?" "I didn't... how can it be possible?!" He tensed up. "What do you mean?" He avoided eye contact" "it was the spirits... they did this. I heard whispers... they hurt me" my eye brows frowned. "I wasn't supposed to... how?! They- it wasn't..." I cupped his cheeks. "Shhh tsk it easy and calm down" he took a deep breath and continued. "It wasn't possible that I could get hurt or hear them like that..."

"What did they say?" He blinked and looked at me. "'Your weak' 'just admit it' 'say it!' and much more" "they made anger boil inside me for nothing. That's what happened so sudden" I took him into a hug again."now I can say you saved my life" he chuckled a little. I have never seen this side of him before.

He's like a little child crying for his mom. "I'm weak Eunbi..." "I'm weak because of you..."

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