It's okay

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-Eunbi POV-

I woke up with a bad headache. What happened?? I looked to the side and saw my mom sleeping. "M-mom?" She woke up immediately when I called her name. "What honey" she looked worried and took my hand. I gave her a weak smile. She returned the smile. A warm smile. "What happened" I hooded my head with my one hand. I tried to make the headache disappear. I didn't work. "Oh honey don't worry. How do you feel?" I couldn't remember anything that happened. The only thing I could feel from before was sadness and emptiness... "I think I'm okay... I don't remember but I feel like something went wrong..." I could just feel it. She smiled. "Hoseok?! Can you come down" Hoseok? Hoseok! Wait it was something with Hoseok. "It was about Hoseok wasn't it?" She didn't answer she just gave my hand a slight squeeze.

After some time I heard footsteps on the stairs. Wait I remember! Hoseok confessed.... I rejected him.... I couldn't... I couldn't do it. The last thing I wanted was to break his heart but look what I did. I started to shake again and I got watery eyes. "I-I remember now..." she looked at men and hugged me. "Shhh it's okay honey... he isn't mad at you" she tried to comfort me but it didn't help.

"What is it Miss Le- Eunbi?! Are you okay" I turned my head and saw Hoseok... seeing his face and just him made me want to cry more... I didn't answer I just buried my face in my moms arms. She still hugged me. "Eunbi I'm so sorry it's all my fault" I looke dat him he had teary eyes as well. Some tears escaped my eyes. My mom backed up to let Hoseok come to me. I didn't stop him. I tried to sit up but failed. Why am I so weak?

He grabbed my arm and sat beside me. He made me sit up. I was about to say something when her took me into his embrace. I hugged him back. I've always loved his hugs. It made me relax if I was upset or mad. "It's okay my angel I'm here and I won't ever leave you" I smiled when he called me 'my angel' "promise?" He broke the hug and gave me a small warm smile. "Promise" I smiled back. I don't ever want to leave him.

"Mom? Do I still have to put my name in the bowel?" She sighed and nodded slightly with her head. I looked down at my hands. They were still shaking a little. I'm afraid... of the demon. What if I get picked. I started to shake more. Hoseok seemed to notice so her hugged me tight again. "Don't shake.... it's okay" I relaxed more again.

When I was fully relaxed again he broke the hug. "I didn't expect my birthday to end like this..." I chuckled weak. So did Hoseok. "Neither did I...." hs took my hand and intertwined his fingers in my. He gave my hand a slight squeeze.

I leaned my head on Hoseok's shoulder. I was half asleep when the door knocked. "I'll go get it" she opened the door. My back was facing the door so I couldn't see who it was.
-Miss Lee POV-

I opened the door and saw a happy Taehyung. Taehyung is Eunbi's friend. "Happy birth- wait what's going on? Is Eunbi okay?" I smiled and letted him in. "Yeah she's fine. A bit tired but that's all" I looked at his hands and saw he had a gift in them. I turned around and saw Hoseok turned his head. His eyes went wide open when he saw Taehyung. They haven't talked in years. I smiled and walked out in the kitchen again. I was making some tea for Eunbi.

-Eunbi POV-

Hoseok gently removed my head from his shoulder. What is he doing? I managed to look up. My eyes grew big when I saw Taehyung. I've missed him so much. Why is he here? "Tae? What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked him. "The same reason as you two and to give her this" he gave me a little gift. I smiled. "Thank you Tae..." I opened the gift and saw a Little figure. It was cute. I liked small figures. "I love it thank you Tae" he smiled. I looked at Hoseok who was smiling to, but his smile faded away. I looked confused at him and then Tae. Hoseok disappeared out in the kitchen. "What was that for?" Tae shrugged his shoulders and looked at the kitchen.

Hoseok came back with a bright smile on his lips. He had a little box in his hands. "That's for you my angel" he gave it to me. I smiled a little and opened it. My smile grew bigger when I saw a little bracelet. My name was written on it. "Omg Hobi I love it!" He sat besides me in the couch. I kissed his cheeks. He blushed a little. I couldn't help it but smile.

It was starting to get late. Teahyung said goodbye and left again. He was going to put his name in the bowel tomorrow as well. He turned 19 for a while ago. ( I know that Tae is younger than J-hope but yeah)

Hobi was going to sleep on the couch and me in my room. I kinda felt bad for him... my mom said goodnight to the two of us and went to bed. Hobi helped me up to my room. My moms room is downstairs I practically have the whole secluding floor for myself... Hobi placed me on my bed when we reached my room. I sat on my bed. When I looked at Hobi I couldn't stop smiling. He gave me his puppy eyes. "...yes.... you can sleep here.... but no touching okay?" I said strict. His face lit up with hope I chuckled and patted the empty spot beside me in the bed. He gladly jumped in the bed.

"I should call you J-hope" I chuckled. He looked confused at me. "Why J-hope?" I smiled and cupped his cheeks. "Your name is Jung Hoseok Right? So we take the J... soo Your always full of Hope so instead of J-Hoseok we say J-hope" I smiled proudly. He chuckled. "That's a great name my bee" he laughed. I hit him playfully. "Okay okay my angel" that's better than bee. "Now go to bed J-horse" I laughed. He hit me. "Arghh my shoulder is hurting you pabo" his eyes widened. "Uh I'm so sorry" I smiled and patted his head. I laid down and fell asleep almost immediately.

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