Shall we?

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I slowly woke up. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't in my room. Then I looked to my side and saw the devil. He looked straight into my eyes. Expressionless. His eyes was black with a hint of red, but he didn't seem angry or anything. "You okay? My powers failed... I'm sorry" I weakly smiled. "It's okay. I'm okay, I think..." a sad chuckle left my mouth.

"While you.. yeah slept. I thought of transferring my powers to you. Now." My eyes went half wide but then sad. "But it'll make you weaker.." he then smiled. "Don't worry about me please. I'll be okay" but I can't stop. He saved my life twice and now he want to do it again. I just want to return it.. show how thankful I am. "Just.. please let me do it" "...." I didn't know what to say.

"What if I say no?" He sighed. "I can't take a no as an answer" he took my hand. "But what if I don't wanna live. What if I just want everything to end?" His eyes got more red, but not anger. Anxiety. He was scared. "No... don't say that"

"Please... live for yourself. You deserve to live" I looked down. "I don't wanna live for myself. I'm worth nothing.." he kept quiet for a while before speaking again. "Then.. live for me" I looked at him in surprise. Live for him? "Live because of me. Eunbi... do it for me" he's saying the truth. Nothing devilish. Just like a broken boy. "Please..." my eyes got teary. I don't wanna make him weak because of me. But he gives me no change. This is what he want.

"Okay" I simply said. He looked confused at me. "Okay what?" "I'll take some of your powers, but just because of you" he smiled. "Thank you" I looked confused at him. "Why thank you?" "Just thank you... for everything" he stood up and took my hand. We walked to a room I haven't been to before. It was huge but dark. There was a black circle in the middle.

"Okay... walk into that circle and stand still" he showed me where to stand. "This will me to see what I'll see in just a second" my eyebrows frowned. "What do you mean by see?" "I'll see you in huge pain" he smiled a little. Okay he didn't tell me about that... "what?!" "It won't last long" he said with a low voice. "Have you tried it before?" He looked down and slightly nodded. "Actually I have... but... she didn't make it" well that's great to hear. "Her soul wasn't strong enough. She wasn't strong enough. I was so stupid! But you... you're the strongest I've seen. Strong and brave. I can see it... feel it" I relaxed a bit again, but the thought that I maybe don't make it.. it's terrifying.

Suddenly his wings appeared. He looked straight into my eyes. His expression was now expressionless. "Shall we?" I nodded. A tear rolled down my cheek. I was afraid. For the pain.. just for everything. He smiled one last time before his eyes went totally red.

He spread his wings looked up. He then looked back at me. He was afraid as well. I could see it. He was expressionless but I could still see how afraid he was. Suddenly a huge light filled the room. He kinda grabbed the light and was holding it between his hands. He then walked towards me. I just stayed still. My hands turned into fist and I was ready for the pain.

He looked at the light and then straight into my eyes again. A little smile curved up on his lips and then he took the light and shoved it into my chest. I immediately felt the pain. "AHHHH!!" I shouted and fell on the ground groaning in pain. He didn't move a muscle. Just started at me, but he suddenly fell on the ground. I couldn't speak or do anything. I just curled into a ball on the ground begging for the pain to disappear. I saw white... everything went totally white.

Suddenly I felt the ground under me vanish. I lifted from the ground. The pain got worse. I was a crying mess. I couldn't see Jungkook nor hear him. Suddenly I felt on the ground and then it all blacked out.

-Jungkook POV-

I just stood there after giving her the powers. I felt empty. My heart aches seeing her like that, but I couldn't stop it. She could die. Then guilt hit my body. I killed her... I stopped it. I stopped the pain but ended up killing her by accident. Why.. I was stupid.

I saw her unconscious body on the ground so I immediately ran to her but failed. I was too weak. Everything went black and I blacked out.

I woke up and felt pain in my whole body. I groaned and got up. She was still unconscious. I slowly walked to her and lifted her up. "Please be alright.." at the time I couldn't tell if she was okay or anything. I took her to her room to rest.

I waited for her. Emptiness was still filling my body. My powers went to me immediately last time because she died. A dead body can't hold my powers. They're strong. Eunbi will struggle in a long time. She don't have the powers I have. She can't fly or do the things I can. It'll just strength her. Give her the strength to live. I'll recover. But it'll take time.

Suddenly I heard a little sound coming from her. I immediately took her hand and waited for her to wake up. She slowly started to open her eyes. "Hey.." I said. she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. She's okay.. "...." she tried to talk but failed. "You can't talk for a while. You'll feel pain too" she just nodded. Her eyes was of course still grayish. I can't change that.

~two weeks Later~

"Jungkook!" I looked to my side and saw him already there. "Shit! You scared the hell,out of me jerk!" He laughed. "What's up?" "You know what's up" I said jokingly. He glared at me. "We have to discuss this!" I pouted. "Buuut this doesn't mean your saying no" he rolled his eyes. His eyes started getting red. I'm making the little devil mad? I smiled and made my eyes red as well. He looked at me in shock. I didn't even knew I could do that?! "Wha- I didn't knew you could do that" "me neither" I tried making the full red and yeah I could.

He did it as well. Since he gave me some of his powers, he's starting to control his devil side. He can now make his eyes red himself. "Com' on" I pouted again. "Get that ugly pout of your face!" I laughed. "Okay but only if you say yes!" "We'll have to discuss" I glared at him. "Child.." I stood up and took a grip amour didn't his neck. "What did you just say?!" He looked at me surprised. "Okay okay chill.." I let loose. "That's what I thought" I looked proud at him.

"Okay.. we'll do it. But it's not my fault if your dead by then" I tilted my head. "Com' on it's not like I would" "yeah your right" he smirked. I looked confused at him. "You have a part of me inside you" my eyes went wide. "You pervert!" I shouted. I started running away from him. He was too fast. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. We were close... really close. "I am? Well.. get used to it kitten" my eyes went wide again, and I took my hand and pushed him as hard as I could on his chest. He jerked back. "Pervert" this time I said it low. He just started laughing. "I'm kidding!" He smiled and snapped his fingers and then.. disappeared. "Stupid devil.."

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