Lets go!

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So one year has past.. we got closer. He was on my nerves a lot of the time but I just ignored that. I survived. Cause of his Powers. I wouldn't been he if it wasn't for him.

We left the cave and started walking. Suddenly he picked me up and flew. "Yah!" He chuckled and kept flying. We got there and it was time to wait.

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded. He hid behind some rocks. The time came where the next chosen one would come down. Our plan was to get out of this living hell. You ask how? You see, when the cave opens we're or Jk is going to fly as fast as he can up the stairs. Take the chosen one with us and then get away from here. He never tried that before, trust me he tried to escape before.

I wasn't even sorry that we were going to leave this cave. Suddenly the cave opened and Jk's eyes got bloody red. Mine got too. I was now fully aware of my powers, or powers. You know what I mean! "Let's Go!" He smirked. I ran to him and he grabbed me and flew as fast as he could. We've been training for this day. What should we do otherwise? Watch movies oh I forgot we're in hell! We could see the light. "Finally!" I shouted. Suddenly the cave crashed and everyone died... nah just kidding sorry😂 we saw the chosen one. Jk grabbed him and we flew out.

Oh gosh the sun was bright. "Fuck. My eyes" Jk said and landed on the ground. I heard screaming and gasping all around the place. Oh yeah many people is here.. great and they're afraid of Jungkook.. "Your eyes" he said to me. Oh yeah my eyes. Maybe I ain't that aware... he didn't hide his wings. He maybe wanted to show people that he was the devil?

"Who are you?" The president asked with a shaking voice. I looked at Jungkook. He started to smirk. "No other than the devils" he called me a devil as well... maybe you can call me a devil? I have devil blood. His eyes got red again. He looked at me and signaled for me to get red eyes as well. So did i. He signaled for me to speak in the speaker. "So as you heard we're the devils" I said. People started to panic.

Suddenly I spotted Hoseok... I've missed him like crazy. My face softened. "Come" I signaled for him to follow he did we left.

I walked to Hoseok who wasn't at the ceremony but he was a little far away. I was behind Hoseok when I spoke. "Missed me?" He quickly turned around, his eyes went wide open. "E-Eunbi?!" I nodded. "The one and only" Jk appeared behind me. "Who is this?" He said and pointed behind me. "Oh you mean the strongest devil in the world? That's Jungkook" jk showed his teeth. His and my eyes were still fully red. "Why are your-" "my eyes? Well this demon here did this to me" I could see Hoseok's face harden.

He walked to jk and played big. I chuckled. Jk kept calm. "He didn't do it to hurt me. He saved my life" "oh" he reached his hand to Jungkook. He took the hand but looked a bit confused. "You know demons isn't that cruel" Hoseok's face was an amazed one. He wasn't scared of Jk? Well that's good I guess. "Okay you two can get to know each other. I have something else to do"

I said and walked to the stage. "May I?" The president let me weak up and talk in the mic. "So you probably wonder who we are? You see that guy over the is the one and only devil. There's no need to be afraid of him. He's kind and actually saved my life. Kind of.. you see my eyes?" I asked and my eyes turned normal again, or as normal as they could be. Because of the spirits. "My eyes is grey. The devil made me weak and then this happened but I'm okay now! As I said he saved my life. My name is Eunbi, and I can see my mom right there" I pointed at the woman in the crowd. "Can you please come up here?" I asked her.

She didn't hesitate and came up on the stage. We hugged when she came up. "I've missed you!" I said to her. "I've missed you too!"

"What is wrong with your eyes?" She asked me. "Long story. I'll tell later" then Jk came up on the stage. "W-who is this?" my mom asked me. "This is Jungkook, the demon who saved my life" he placed his arms around my shoulder. "N-nice to meet y-you Jungkook" she stuttered out.

"There's no need to be afraid miss, demons are not as you excepted" I know he has wings and red eyes but they are different to what we're getting told.

"Then n-nice to meet you" she said. Suddenly Taehyung came to me. "Whaaaaaaaaat" he hugged me. I hugged him back.  "I thought you were dead!" He said excited. "Well I weren't"


Some weeks has past, me, Jungkook, Tae, Yoongi and Hobi became great friends again! Jungkook and a lot to learn.. he would always try to do something towards the others.. you know he loved me.. but he didn't say anything with me being with the others, he'd actually always try to make me and Hobi be a couple.. he's so sweet. Tae, Hobi and Yoongi was a bit afraid of him at first.. but they learned that he isn't something to be afraid of.

I actually took him to a school and showed him the school and told some classes the truth about the demons bellow. They were fascinated by the truth. Everyone now snows the truth, that humans have been lying. Yes my eyes is still grey.. they won't ever be normal again, I mean I can make them red but they won't ever be the normal blue colour again.. no pupil or anything.. my whole orb is grey. I'm not as strong as the beginning but still strong.


I'm going to celebrate my birthdays today!! 20 years!! It was my 20th birthday for some time ago but I'm celebrating it today! Jungkook, Tae, hobi and Yoongi is going to be there! My mom is too of course!

"Eunbiiii!!!" I heard shouting from downstairs. "You can come down now!" I walked excited downstairs and a gasp left my mouth when I saw how beautiful they decorated! I hugged my mom and the others. "Thank you so much!"

Oh yeah. They weren't able to celebrate my real birthday so they'll celebrate it for me now! I'm so happy! "Happy birthday!" Hobi said and hugged me so tight. Suddenly it all went silent. Hobi gave me a gift. I opened it, it was a little paper. I looked confused at Hobi. "Just open it" he said excited.

I opened it and my eyes went wide when I saw what it said: will you be mine? I could feel the tears pressing. I looked at Hobi and smiled. I didn't answer but instead I kissed him. I could hear everyone's clapping.

We separated. Hobi smiled like crazy. He then hugged me tight again. Could my life be any better than this...

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