It is tomorrow

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I was half asleep when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me. It was of course Hobi or J-hope... I forgot I'm calling him J-hope now... to be honest I like the nickname Hobi more. He was asleep. He laid back hugging me. I didn't move or anything. I didn't know if it was because I didn't want to or because I was too tired? I chuckled and curled in against his body. His body was warm and I liked his embrace. I fell asleep after some time.

"You too it's up now" I opened my eyes slight and saw my mom smiling in the door frame. I tried to move but something was holding me back. I looked back and saw Hobi. I chuckled at his cuteness... no Eunbi! You can't fall in love... at least not now... "you two lovebirds it's up now. We're leaving in 30 minutes" I groaned and signaled for her to leave. Hobi was still asleep. I tried to free myself from his embrace but failed. "Just five minutes more" he moaned out. I scoffed and tried to free myself again. "Hobiiii. It's today... we're going to put out names in the bowel today" "I thought that was tomorrow?" He said with a low yet sleepy voice. "Well it is tomorrow sooo" I finally got out of his grip.

Hobi groaned and opened his eyes a little. "Whyyy. I don't want this day to be today can't it just be tomorrow for ever. So it's today forever?" Is he talking while sleeping or something? "Don't say these nonsense. I don't know what you're saying, no get up you pabo" I took my pillow and threw it on him. He started laughing and threw the pillow on me again.

Suddenly my vision got blurry and I started to feel dizzy. I was holding a hand on my head. I fell on my knees after a while. "Eunbi what's wrong?!" He got up and lifted me on the bed.

"I'm just feeling dizzy it's fine" I placed my head on my hands and rubbed my head. I didn't feel well but I didn't want him to worry about me. "Just stay here for a while and then come down when you're ready okay?" I nodded. He sighed and got up. He patted my back before leaving.

I sat there for a while before going down as well. "God morbid hon are you okay?" Again I just nodded and sat on the chair. I wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat. "Hon I know you don't feel well but you have to eat something" she placed her hand on mine. I groaned and took a toast.

I looked up and saw that hobo looked at little sad... why? "Are you okay hobi?" He looked at men and nodded. "Yeah yeah I'm fine..." he looked down again. He's totally not fine. I was to tired to ask any further.

"We're leaving in 10 minutes go get ready" I glanced at my mom before walking to my room. Hobi followed me lazily. I walked in my room and closed the door behind me. Hobi got in before I closed it.

At first I looked confused at hobi. He just stood there. He joined me in the confusion. "Ehmm I'm going to change sooo" I said and he looked at me like I was stupid?? "Ohh com' on... you don't say I have to leave?" He threw his arms in the air. " buuut I'm a girl soo can you at least turn around?" He glared at me and turned around. "Thanks" I started to take off my cloth from yesterday.

When I was about to wear my top when I felt a pair of eyes on me. So I turned around and saw hobi quickly turning his head back. Luckily I had a bra on " you pervert!" I shouted. I threw a pillow on him again. "Hey! You know I like you! It isn't my fault" he laughed and I traced after him.

I laughed as well. Suddenly he tripped and I tripped on him. I landed on him and... our lips met each other. I didn't backup or anything. I couldn't. I don't know why... he didn't do anything neither. After some time I realised what was happening so I quickly got up. I could feel my face turn tomato red. So did his... "sorry..." he rubbed his neck. "Ahh it's not your fault I tripped" I smiled and so did he.

Gosh that was awkward... "okay now I'll leave" I had a bathroom in my room so I walked out there and locked the door behind me. I heard chuckling from my room. It made me chuckle quietly for myself.

After wearing my cloth i got out and walked to my bed. "Your turn" I said. "Yes ma'am" he said and then.... he took off his shirt. Gosh he has perfect abs... no! Stop that! "Like what your seeing?" I looked up at Hobi's face and saw him smirking a little. I blushed a little. "I-I'm sorry" I turned around and face palmed myself... why am I so stupid I'm supposed not to like him...

"it's okay I'm not biting" he walked to me still shirtless. I groaned and threw a shirt at his shirtless abdomen. "Please wear a shirt perv"  he laughed and wore the shirt. "We're leaving now!!!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. "You done?" I asked hobi. "Is a girl asking if I'm a boy done? What's going on here? You're done before me??" He pouted and I hit his shoulder playfully "yah my shoulder is hurting you pabo" he laughed and I hit him again for copying me.

We walked down. My mom was already done and ready to go. Just like Hobi, I don't want this day to be a day... but I have to. I'll just hope the best... "ready to go?" I nodded towards my mom. "Where's our names?" I asked her. She raised a hand with the names in. Both me and Hobi's was there. Did he gave it to her? Well okay then.

I looked ya Hobi who gave me a smile. He took my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I smiled back and walked out. I didn't really feel well but I have to do it no matter what... "it's gonna be okay" my mom confronted me. It wasn't because I was nervous I didn't feel good. "Yeah it's okay... it's not that. I just don't feel well..." I looked down. My mom looked at me worried. "You okay hon? Say something if it's getting worse okay?" I nodded and entered the car. The car ride was silent but that didn't matter to me.

There was many people when we arrived, but I tried to ignore that. Actually I looked for Tae. He said he would be here as well. When I looked confused around I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped in shock. I heard a loud and dark voice. I turned around and saw Tae... "yah you scared the hell out of me you pabo" he started to laugh even harder. I couldn't help it but chuckle a little. Me and Tae laughed for a while. He's a funny guy I like him. I looked to my side and saw Hobi starring at me and Tae? He looked upset. Did I make him upset? There was another feeling in his expression but I couldn't really tell... "what's wrong?" He snapped into reality and looked at me. He shook his head and said: "ehmm nothing.... there's nothing wrong" he gave me a small smile and I smiled back like nothing happened.

"Let's Go?" I looked at my mom, Hobi and Tae. "Let's Go" my mom and Tae said. Hobi didn't say anything. What's wrong with him? I swear something is wrong. He never look so depressed and broken. I walked over to him and said/whispered: "I know something is wrong.... just say it" he looked at me like I was stupid. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion. Is it me or? He kept starring and finally he spoke. He sighed deep and said: "you don't know why??" He stopped up and looked annoyed at me. He raised his eyebrows. "It's because I like you! I'm jealous if you haven't noticed.... that's why Eunbi" my face softened. I didn't see that coming.

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