♡︎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎♡︎

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Me and DeAyzah ran up to them and started questioning them I wenr first with my questions "is it official yet?" "Did yall fuck last night?" " ouuu girrl did-" i was bout to ask my last question till some bitch cut me off " He doesnt want her broke short ass" the unknown bitch said "And who are yihou exactly?" I said ready shoot this bitch "thats nun of your concern but Deshawn should know who I am" she said finishing it off with a wink. Out of nowhere everybody but her heard Dee say 'damn if I if Deshawn werent holding me rn that must and them bigass eyelashes woulda blown me away, I would been poof disappear' we were dying on the floor but that was mainly me tho💀

"Bitch whats so funny, and why you all up on my nigga like that DAMNNN back off bitch" she said looking like she was ready to hit dee.
"Excuse me but ion want him we just drove to school together" I facepalmed at what she just said "girl then why his arm around you" she said exactly what I was thinking. Then DeAyzah daid what we were all thinking "Ok enough with all this bs is you his girl or not and why this niggs aint saying shit" then deshawn decided to finally speak up "Listen thats my ex ion want her stank ass *then he turn down and kissed Dee's forehead* I want this shorty" he said with a smirk. When i tell you i was fangirling soo baddd. I was like omg y'all need to make it official already likee damnnnn.

But then shit started getting physical that hoe who we found out name was Carla popped my bitch in the mouth. So i was like oh hell no ready to swing kn her but the Dee held me "sit down ima handle this"

(Sum like this jus pretend they in school and Dee the one in the orange shirt and carla the on in the black)

After I beat that hoe was they sent us both to the office. While I'm waiting for my mama to pick me up I started scrolling threw instagram and I see Deshawn posted the video. DAYUM IT HAD ONLY BEEN BOUT 16 MINUTES AND THAT SHIT GOT 10,000 SUM LIKES...

Rn im in the car wit my mama "baby why you had to beat her so bad" my mama said.
"Mama you raised me to hit a bitch when she put her hands on me and that's what I did" I said

"Good girl but next time try not to fight so early in the morning ppl really dont wanna pick you up" she said laughing
"Yes mama" I said
The ride home was prettt much silent and when I got home mama left to go back to work I just flopped down onto the bed and went straight to bed... Drifting off to sleep I thought im just Glad she aint ask where I was last night....

I woke up and look at my clock it said 4:36.. Damn I slept for a whole day just about. Then I heard knocking at my door.."ITS NOT LOCKED" I yelled from my room. Then somebody opened my slowly opened my door but I was still a little tired so I didnt bother seeing who it was

Damn she really not gon look at who it is... This bitch gon get kidnapped one day or raped or sum... That's gives me an idea I thought with a devilish smirk

I jumped onto her back and she screamed so loud "MANE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" she yelled. I laughed and just rolled off of her."welp bring yo ass on so we can leave." I said. She aint move so I threw a shoe at her ass. "MOVE BITCH" I playfully yelled. She snapped her head and me and grabbed the baseball bat i keep sitting in the bed side table. "Oh shit" I said and got up running.

(A few minutes later)
At the trap

When the car stopped I look back she asleep. Now she me wodnering how tf this bitch sleep through this loud ass music?

I pick her up again and carry her in the house I see kaleb looking at me smirking with ambrey in his lap. "Aye listen if yall start fucking in this house and it wake my girl up I wont hesitate to shoot both y'all asses" I threatned

"Ight ight maneee we aint gon fuck loud" kaleb said
"We aint gon fuck period and you wouldnt shoot me anyway cuz Dee would kill you" Ambrey said
"Mmm girl who said we not fuckin you aint got no damn say in this" kaleb said with a devilish smirk

"Lord" i say and roll my eyes as I carry Dee to the bed. It's taking all my will power not to have her right now , but I want her wide awake when she take this dick 😝

As soon as i left the room I heard gun shots going off I ran outside to see damn Jordan and his folks
"NIGGA wtf do yo ass want" I said
"You know exactly what I want, I want my girl" he said
"She not yours even if she dont claim me I claim her and aint nun you can do bout that" I said
"We'll see bout that, btw where were you, you never showed up to the park I was waiting" he said tryna sound cocky
I smirked " oh you aint see my post me and her was at my house sleeping together" i said
"Mmm I bet you didnt hit tho" he said
"We can fuck later" I said
"Where is she at? Ion want her to miss me poppin yo ass" he said
"She sleep so ima need you to leave becuz ion want her waking up nigga" I said.
"Oh but ian going nowhere without a dead body here" he said as he pulled the trigger to the gun and all that was heard were two bullet shots 'POW' 'POW'

(Omg this is still crappy and cringy but trust me it gets betta when. So just stick with me here st it's gegonna get good i promise but like i said this still my first time.(who y'all think got shot? Also I think ill try and post atleast 3 chapters a day✌🏽😘 bye for now)

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now